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Biological Research Registration Forms

Who should register

All faculty conducting research with recombinant DNA, infectious agents,or biohazards as defined in Section I.C.2 of the Longwood IBC Policies and Procedures, either directly through infection or indirectly through environmental contamination, must register the research with the IBC for review. If the faculty member anticipates the research is exempt from full review, an Application for Exempt Status may be submitted in lieu of a full Biological Research Registration Form. These forms provide information about the research project, associated biological hazards, and standard operating procedures. If a faculty member has more than one research project, including newly developed projects, that involve biological hazards, each project must be registered separately. An electronic copy of theApplication for Exempt Status or theBiological Research Registration Form may be submitted for review, but a final approval letter will not be provided until a signed copy is received.

Review process

There are two levels of review based on the nature of the hazard(s) involved in a study, and the IBC has the sole authority to determine the review category. The IBC Chair may designate research projects as 1) exempt from full review, or 2) require full committee review. Exempt from full review are those that research projects present only minor hazards with very low risk. Projects that are exempt from full review may be reviewed immediately by the IBC Chair. After the review is complete, the Chair has the delegated authority to approve, provisionally approve, or request full committee review. Projects that are exempt from full committee review will be reported to the full IBC at regularly scheduled meetings. Full Committee Review is used for protocols that may present significant hazards to humans, plants, animals, or the environment. Examples of projects that require full committee review include non-exempt rDNA protocols, use of biohazardous materials requiring biosafety level 2 containment facilities or practices (or greater), or projects that involve the release of genetically altered organisms.

Registration Forms

Application for Exempt Status

Full Biological Research Registration Form
