Welcome to my E-Portfolio!

My name is Gabriel Alexander Guglielmo. At the moment I am a rising Senior at Longwood University and I am majoring in Social work in order to pursue my passions of helping people with Mental health issues. This journey has been a long one and I still have a ways to go before I reach that goal of where I want to be. Currently I am close to finishing my Junior internship at the department of Family services in Fairfax County.

My original inspiration for wanting to explore this field in the first place came from my friends at a very young age. They began to experience anxiety symptoms much earlier than I did, and I remember how useless I felt not being able to help them. So in order to try and improve their lives I began to do research on how to help people with anxiety and depression. I was no professional though, and most of my solutions were only temporary. This is around the time anxiety and depression began to affect me.

Coming into Longwood University I wasn’t even a social worker. I was a theatre tech major until I quickly realized that certain styles weren’t what I had learned and that I wanted to pursue something else that mattered to me deeply. This is when I discovered Social Work and the type of work Social workers do.

As I said in the First paragraph, my journey is still far from over. This will be a rough outline of the E-Portfolio as when I go to my Senior internship I will have much more to add and discuss. For now I will have my Resume as well as a short description of my junior internship and what I was able to learn while working at DFS.

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