Category Archives: Photography

Photo Gallery


We believe this photograph titled “East Meets West”, shows how much trout mean to the area around Yellowstone. The photo shows a grizzly bear and panda bear meeting, but in the background is a huge image of a trout, representing the meaningfulness of trout. We think this shows that no matter what else is going on with other animals, the trout is very important.


This picture titled, “The Gift”, clearly shows the trout as being special or a gift to Yellowstone. The native cutthroat has declined in numbers since the introduction of lake trout. This could depict how people think of the cutthroat as a gift and would like to see its’ numbers increase in size.


This art work titled, “Balancing Fin and Yang”, in our opinion is a representation of the essential balance between lake trout, cutthroat trout and fisherman. Trout are obviously important to the ecosystem here and need to remain in balance. Currently the lake trout are hurting the native cutthroat trout, so changes must be made to balance these types of fish.



This picture titled, “Fishing the Yellowstone”, shows a small human trying to pierce a trout. The trout is much bigger in size though. We believe this shows how the lake trout has reeled in fishermen to want to fish for it instead of the native cutthroat trout. Fishermen say the lake trout are much more of a thrill to fish.


This painting titled, “Trout Hell”, symbolizes the internal sense of trout fishing pressure. It shows how the trout around Yellowstone are being fished at scary levels, and that the native Cutthroat are in trouble.

