1.1: Describing Principles in Biology

During my time at Longwood I have taken numerous biology classes. I have taken courses that cover very broad biological concepts, like BIOL 120 Introduction to Biology, and other classes that get more in depth into the biological concepts, like BIOL 250 Introduction to Genetics and Cell Biology and 251 Introduction to Ecology and Evolution. These courses have not only given me a broad background in biology but also allowed me to go more in depth into certain subjects. I also learned about how the scientific method is used in the real world and how to undergo scientific writing.

In BIOL 120, I did projects where I grew bacteria from between different toes and grew plants with different types of water. These were both lab based experiments where we tested different affects or parameters on one variable, in these cases were plant and bacterial growth. Throughout these experiments, we practiced writing different sections of a scientific paper. I was not the best at writing any sections of a scientific paper and did not really get a hold of it until second semester freshman year.

In BIOL 250, I examined bacterial growth but this time with how the environment affects the growth. Throughout this course, we discussed the central dogma, the cell cycle, cell signaling, and a brief introduction to genetics. In lab for our experiment, we used techniques such as PCR, gel electrophoresis, BLAST analysis, and plated bacteria. We were able to take part of a bacterial colony and then replicated specific parts of its DNA through PCR to then eventually identify the bacterial species through BLAST analysis. This project allowed me to combine what I learned in lecture and actually do it in lab.

In my BIOL 251 course, I examined crayfish and tadpole interactions.  Throughout this course and experiment, we talked about different topics including niches, predator-prey interactions, invasive species, and diversity. My project touched on the predator-prey interactions and how invasive species impact the native tadpole species. This project allowed me to experience the topics that was discussed in lecture in a lab setting. I also learned different statistical techniques that allowed me to find any significant interactions and relationships between the crayfish and tadpoles.

These classes labs and lectures gave me a broad understanding of the different biological processes. I learned valuable biological concepts and skills, including writing and statistical analysis, that I have been able to build upon in all my classes since.

Below is my BIOL 120 projects with plants and bacteria.

Results revisions 

Materials and Methods #2

Below is my BIOL 250 poster with bacteria in Lancer Park.

BIOL 250 Poster

Below is my BIOL 251 presentation crayfish amphibian interactions.

BIOL 251 Presentation