ENGL 382: Children’s Literature Enhancement

Going into this class, I expected it to be one of the easiest classes I would ever take and this was part of the reason I decided to enhance it. Although I made very high marks in this course, there was a lot of hard work that went into it. I spent hours writing, researching, and reading children’s books over and over and over again-and I loved it. Although I ended up switching academic paths, this was my favorite class that I took in the fall due to the philosophical undertones it contained. It truly inspired me to think differently not only about Children’s Literature but as society and culture as a whole. This was due to our in-depth conversations about “ideology” and how gender roles and racial stereotypes influence the way we think. I never thought that a class that required me to read Clementine would have me exploring such larger scale issues. The artifact that I attached was the paper that I wrote as my Enhancement Project. My project focused on the representation of Hispanic culture in Children’s Literature, which I feel truly encompassed the premise of the course.