We held our majors and minors meeting the other day, welcoming the students back and the new students here. Some of the faculty had a little too much fun!

We held our majors and minors meeting the other day, welcoming the students back and the new students here. Some of the faculty had a little too much fun!
Our Theater 100 students made a quick video this morning to thank our donors. Enjoy!
The season will begin before you know it and it’s almost time to get your tickets!
Longwood Theatre 2021-2022 season kicks off with David Mamet’s Boston Marriage! “Boston Marriage” is a 1999 play by American playwright David Mamet. The play concerns two women at the turn of the 20th century who are in a Boston marriage, a relationship between two women that may involve both physical and emotional intimacy. After widespread belief that Mamet could only write for men, the playwright released this play, which centers exclusively on women.
We hope you can join us for LIVE THEATRE!!!!!!!!
*Longwood University reserves the right to limit seating for this event should the state mandated Covid restrictions change.
The instructions are to research an event that changed us as Americans. This group chose the Pandemic. There were several steps they had to follow: research the event, create fictional characters, create nonfiction dialogue for the characters they created based on their research, and finally create a readers theatre. This presentation was presented to the Longwood campus on Research Day. I thought it was worth sharing. Many of the students in this are not theatre majors but have a desire as future elementary teachers to bring theatre into their future students.
Unified in Misery
2.62 million, 529 thousand, 9,849, these numbers have changed our lives forever. Through a global, a national, or a local lens, the number of deaths caused by the Corona Virus created financial instability, fear, and heartache. Yet, did it unify our nation under an umbrella of misery? The purpose of this research project was to examine the effects of the global pandemic on Americans, their livelihood, their family relationships, and our nation’s society.
Listen to our Holmes & Watson, Matthew Howard and Erica Johnson, talk about “Ken Ludwig’s Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery” in this radio interview which aired today on WFLO.
Today we present a blog interview with a Longwood Theatre freshman Meg Daniel. “She Kills Monsters: Virtual Realms” by Qui Nguyen is her first Longwood show.
Q-Tell us a little about yourself?
A-I’m a huge Harry Potter fan. In high school I did two shows but this is my first big role. I went to Appomattox Regional Governor’s School, but grew up in Chesterfield. I have worked with Chris Klinger and now get to work with his wife Professor Lacy Klinger, the director.
Q- What got you interested in theatre?
A- My fourth grade teacher told be about a director friend and I said “I want to be in a movie.”. She then told me about a production of Annie, I got a part and played an orphan. I’ve been hooked ever since!
Q- How is this production different for others you’ve done?
A-The experience itself. The cast, Professor Klinger, working with Matt Howard. We wasted so much time in high school during rehearsals and I’ve had a great time. If I have a bad day, I go to rehearsal and I feel SO much better. It makes me happy. One of the most rewarding experiences I’ve had as an actor. I love it a lot.
Q-Why did you choose Longwood?
A- Honestly because of Dr. Scarrow. I didn’t want to come here at first, but then I came for new Lancer Days and met Dr. Scarrow with my parents. Once I left that day it hit me, this is where I need to go. My Dad said the same thing.
Q- What’s the one thing you hope people who see the show take away from the performance?
A- I want everyone to take away the fun. We’re not going through easy time right now and even though there’s sad things in the show I want them to laugh and enjoy it. Cause we need that. Let’s have some fun!
The freshman theatre class has a seminar with Dr. Ronda Scarrow. In this session they are performing monologues, which they have been practicing, in front of a camera for the first time in order to see themselves and learn about movement and pacing.
The class listening to a student perform. The camera is also projected on a big screen.
In a couple of weeks from now, you’ll be able to watch these freshman theatre students perform their completed monologues on our YouTube channel. You can find the link in the menu above.
Looks like students hard at work. I wonder what they’re making…..
Quirky hats! How demure!
It’s not all fun and games though, here is some more of the student’s handiwork.