The Office of Student Research (OSR) invites undergraduate students from all disciplines to submit to SPUR: Spring Presentation of Undergraduate Research, a refereed, all-digital presentation event and networking session to be held April 24, 2018, 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. in Martinelli Board Room. The deadline for submissions is March 30, 2018 April 13, 2018 at 5:00 p.m. Fresh-baked pastries, fruit, coffee and tea will be served.
OSR will showcase PowerPoint presentations as student researchers enjoy free food and share their experience with small groups of other students on Student Research Day. All presentations will be uploaded to several publicly accessible online platforms prior to Student Research Day. Because of the digital nature of SPUR, students can also participate in the Symposium.
All submissions must be student-initiated, where the student develops or is substantially involved in developing the research question, purpose or theme.
All student researchers receive an OSR slingbag, and those with presentations with the highest views will receive a SPUR SwagBag, which includes a SPUR t-shirt, hat, water bottle , 8GB USB drive and power charging bank, all in a canvas SPUR bag.
What Can Students Submit. Students can submit any work where they ask a question and find evidence to answer it. Examples include lesson plans, literary analyses, historical analyses, literature reviews, annotated bibliography, data coding, marketing plans, SWOT analyses, and more.
Previous SPUR Presentations
The Raven’s Demons: The Psychoanalytic Relationship Between Edgar Allen Poe’s Life and His Literary Works
Intergenerational Daycares: How They Can Benefit the Elderly Population and Children
We’re All Going to Die: Contrasting the Apocalypse in Night of the Living Dead and Neon Genesis Evangelion
Bring your idea or work to OSR and let us help you create an awesome presentation!
Benefits. Student work receives wide exposure beyond Longwood. Presentations are permanently housed in Digital Commons, the university’s institutional repository that is searchable via Google and other major search engines and linked to hundreds of colleges and universities around the world. Students can use the permalink for resumes, job applications, graduate school applications, websites and online profiles like LinkedIn.
How to Submit to SPUR
- Create a digital presentation in PowerPoint and an abstract. OSR strongly recommends using the SPUR18 Digital Presentation Worksheet and the Digital Presentation Sample to plan and design the presentation. Other file types will not be accepted. Animation and transitions may be stripped out of presentations when uploaded to online platforms.
- Submit Digital Presentation and Abstract using the SPUR18 Submission Form. (If you do not already have a Gmail account, you will have to create one).
Submissions will be reviewed using the SPUR Submission Rubric. Students will receive a notification of acceptance or a request to revise and resubmit. Students are strongly encouraged to seek assistance from the Office of Student Research.
April 13, 2018 @ 5:00 p.m.: Submission deadline
April 20, 2018 @ 5:00 p.m.: Revision and resubmission deadline
Please direct any questions to Dr. Crystal Anderson, Director, Office of Student Research, andersoncs2@longwood.edu.