Adductor Strain Lightning Strike Presentation Outline (October, 2019)
This was my first end of the year lightning strike presentation for Athletic Training. Lightning strike presentations begin at the end of the semester, to cover an injury or case study question that was created from the current assigned sport rotation. The student then has the opportunity to express their knowledge and passion for the major in front of a professional audience. The powerpoint and research furthered my knowledge with muscular strains and adductor anatomy. This assignment helped me work on my researching skills. I was able to find, use, and site reliable research from journals and articles. It also made me more comfortable and confident when presenting in front of preceptors, students, and professors, all at once. Not just with what I was presenting, but also with the questions at the end. With how much research went into the assignment, I had no problem answering the professors to the best of my abilities.
Exertional Compartment Syndrome Lightning Strike Presentation Outline (April, 2020)
The exertional compartment syndrome lightning strike was my second end of the year presentation. With a similar rubric and expectation from the first one, this outline was very much alike the previous. With the spring semester ending under the certain circumstances and being completely online, this project was the most tedious and challenged myself the most compared to the other assignments. Having to present over a recorded session was not as nerve wracking, but it was definitely a little worrisome as I waited for professors, preceptors, and students to comment under my submission with questions. This outline and research furthered my understanding of the lower extremity anatomy, but also the different diagnosis and conditions that can be very similar but result in different treatments. Having to do this entirely online and receive my feedback and to present online was a challenge. Both of these lightning strike presentations challenged me and made me do more work and research that I have ever done in any other class.