
Aesthetic Expressions- (ENGL 210: Detective Fiction)

The Differences in Writing Between Stories (Final Paper)

December 8, 2019

This paper was a good final end to this course because I had to reflect on previous writings that we read in class.The course itself was very interesting and I enjoyed it from beginning to end. When reflecting, I reviewed all of my work and notes that I had taken. After doing this, it helped me as a student build my paper writing skills and note referencing. The paper tweaked my overall reviewing skills as well, for the better, instead of just studying the material and moving on. The repetition is very beneficial for my future classes and major courses and can aid me in knowing future material.

Scientific Reasoning- (PSYC 101: Introduction to Psychology)

Chapter 14 & 15 Summary (OCD)

August, 2019

This class was online, so all of the assignments were discussion boards or online quizzes. From the discussion boards, I chose the last one, which was an overview of two chapters and also including vocabulary from previous chapters.  This class, like my other online course “Drugs and Human Behavior” helped me understand human behavior and mental conditions. I chose this discussion board because OCD is a very common condition seen today and it is something that I can apply to in the future. As far as how to diagnose it and acknowledge it. This course and assignment helped me understand that there are several conditions out in the world and there are others with different behaviors. I think having this knowledge will be great for me to apply in future working and with future patients. Knowing why people do certain mannerisms and actions is interesting and important to know, especially when working with people on a daily basis.

Human Behavior an Social Institutions – (KINS 215: Exercise is Medicine)

Dining Hall Caloric Info sheet
by: Kody Scordellis
November 5, 2018

This document taught me the different caloric and nutritional value of the selected items from the Dorill Dining Hall. From this, I was able to further understand which food was most nutritional and which kinds of foods were less. This applies to the human behavior and social institutions pillar because I can take this information and apply it to interested students who want to see what they are eating. Human Behavior is shown by how much they eat and what they eat, and the Social Institution is shown as the research was drawn from the public Dining Hall.