Sample Work Documents

Document 1:

My first sample document is from my English 382 Grammar: Theory and Practice course from Longwood University. This was a group project with one other future teacher. It is a comic book with the theme of Finding Nemo and it goes through and teaches multiple grammatical concepts. This is a fun and interactive way to teach young students punctuation, sentence structure, and many concepts that go along with writing. I chose this document because it shows that I am able to guide and assist my students with their writing. This document relates to younger grades, which is what I aim to teach, and shows that I am able to put a difficult topic in an easy and fun learning style.

Finding Nemo

Document 2:

My second sample document is attached below. I chose this because it is an excerpt from a lesson plan that I collaborated with other teachers to create. It shows that I am able to create and write effective and fun lesson plans about writing. As well, it shows 3that I am able to collaborate with others. I only chose a specific part that demonstrates the “To, With, By” method because it shows how to teach, practice, and apply our lesson to students. It is written in a form so that if I were to be absent, a substitute teacher would be able to follow it.

Lesson Plan

Document 3:

Lastly, my third sample document that I chose was an excerpt from my English 483 blog. I chose this specific part from my blog because it shows a great explanation of how I want to incorporate digital writing in my future classroom. This paragraph explains how I find that digital writing will be a huge part of my future classroom. This document also explains that I find each student should be able to express themselves comfortably through digital writing.

Writing from my Identity Blog