Let’s CELL-ebrate Interactive Learning.

What do remember most from your time in school as a child? It wasn’t the research papers and worksheets. It was probably the interactive and hands on projects. From personal experience, I remember loving and learning the most when there were interactive projects and not just writing papers. Being a kinsethic and a visual learner, I loved when my teachers would bring food or other items to teach us a lesson. Many of my teachers brought in all styles of learning and reaching to all students. It is very important to involve all the learning styles in your classroom so each student is able to benefit.  This allows for students to get to their full potential. All students have different learning styles, so for majority of them, they will not learn to their highest potential if they are not interacting from their work.

Imagine you are in your classroom and you are teaching  a lesson on the model of a cell. If you give your students a fill in the blank worksheet, they will only be focussed on finishing and labeling the cell to be able to turn it in. They won’t be focussed on learning the information but rather they will be focused on turning in the work. If you give your students an interactive and hands on activity to make their own model of their cell with using food, play-doh, and other items other than only a paper and pencil they will be able to retain and remember the different cell parts. In the end, having this interactive activity your students will be able to retain the cell parts and be more beneficial to the students.