KINS 215

Kinesiology 215 was a class I never expected to like. It was a class I had to take to satisfy the human behavior and social institutions pillar. I did this in the Spring semester 2022. I was expecting a lot of exercise and physical education type activities, but it wasn’t exactly that. The professor helped us understand issues here in the United States vs other countries and also how to overcome those issues individually. We had to do activities that included us walking around Farmville, and also present issues that were important to us. Overall, I gained more than I expected in this course and I would definitely recommend it to a lot of people.
The artifact that I chose to include is the semester-long PAE assignment. It is where we completed different activities to gain points that add up to 100 for a grade. It took a lot of time and effort to reach the 100 points, but it taught me a lot of new exercises and ways of getting active.