
To me, a community is a group of people that come together to form close relationships regardless of their social, academic, or cultural differences. A community plays a major role in the development of a individual’s identity. More specifically, a community helps to increase social behavior and interactions.

Coming into college, I knew the importance of community. By nature, I am very extroverted, talkative, and always looking to make new friends. During my first year at Longwood, I tried to make as many friends as possible. In January 2019, I rushed Alpha Delta Pi and found my forever friends. These women already mean so much to me and I am beyond happy that I joined a sorority. In February 2019, I applied and was accepted in the Longwood Ambassadors. This group of students has welcomed me generously into their lives and helped me become a better version of myself. I cannot wait to continue growing within these two communities.

Everyone at Longwood will experience their own communities, and it is so important that we all help one another to find their place at Longwood. 

(Pictured above is my Alpha Delta Pi chapter, May 2019)