
In the results that are presented in Table 1, show the relationship between the amount of hours parents get to spend interacting with their child/children on a typical day and how involved the family was while completing the sugar writing tray activity. Parents’ amount of interaction with their child/children increased 0.7500 units for every one unit increase in how involved they were in the activity. Therefore, it appears that parental interaction and involvement in the activities are related. However, this finding is not significant (p= 0.568).The R2 statistic is 0.009384, which means that this model explains 0.9 percent of the variation in how involved the family was in the activity. No relationship can be discerned between self-ranked family involvement and the amount of hours parents spend interacting with their children.


Table 1:

Regression of family involvement in sugar writing tray activity and typical amount of hours parents spend interacting with their child/ children


  Interaction Increase R2 P-value
Hours spent interacting 0.7500 0.009384 0.568