Computer science was a unique experience for me. I took the class to fulfill a math and science expectation because I don’t like doing math, but I do like making computers do math for me. Learning how to read codes and program was unbelievably fun because of all the neat tricks and techniques I learned. In between assignments I created programs that would tell knock-knock jokes, repeat phrases indefinitely, or calculate coordinate plane slopes. My most impressive program however is my ongoing work with programming a rudimentary grocery register program. As a grocery cashier I was inspired to take a simple cash register program assignment to the next level by including options for weight and quantity, adjustable taxes, coupons, and the ability to run the program in three different languages. The program is still a work in progress as I plan to add a robust database system, but learning the abilities to reverse engineer the register software I use at work made for a memorable semester.
Below are screen captures of the English language option of my grocery program