Span 342

Because I aspire to become a Spanish teacher I have been taking Spanish language classes since middle school.  Spanish 342 was one of the most interesting classes I’ve taken in pursuit of my goal.  The focus of the class was the literature, arts, and culture of Spain since 1700.  We studied the influence of the Enlightenment in Spanish life and architecture.  Examples of Enlightened architecture can even be found on Longwood’s campus.  I greatly enjoyed studying the paintings and plays of the era such as Goya’s Fusilamientos del tres de mayo seen above and Jose Zorrilla’s exciting play Don Juan Tenorio.  Even off-topic discussions of Anglo-Spanish Relations regarding the territory of Gibraltar were interesting and entertaining.  I cannot wait for the time that I will be teaching material like this myself.

Below is a copy of my essay on hidden sins and love in Don Juan Tenorio.