Goal 1 – Longwood Seminar [LSEM 100] {Honors Course}

My Longwood Seminar class, often affectionately referred to as simply LSEM, helped me meet my first General Education Goal as a Longwood student and was designed to help me get acclimated to college life.

One type of assignment associated with my LSEM class was biweekly journals chronicling how adjustments to college living were going for me. At the bottom of this page, I have included one of my journals.

The reason I have chosen to reflect on “Journal 2: Time Management” is because I originally mentioned at the end of it that I was interested to see what improvements I would make after writing my journal. Now that several months have passed since I first wrote my journal, I have a much better idea of how well I manage my time in college.

I am proud that my prioritizing, goal-setting system still works very well for me. I am extremely motivated by due dates, even if the due dates are ones I set myself. I am almost always able to accomplish things by the time I tell myself they must be done, and I have found that setting these types of deadlines for earlier than they probably “need” to be set helps to ensure that I always stay on schedule, even if something unexpected happens.

I have gotten even better about using a planner to my advantage since I wrote my first journal as well. I have always heavily relied on a paper-and-pen style academic planner, but I now use my planner to keep track of my appointments, meetings, and social events as well, which has helped me have a better idea of what my week looks like rather than remembering things last-minute. Organization has become a hobby in addition to a way of keeping my life in order!

Aug 2015

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