Freshman Year

SPAN 111: Intensive Beginning Language and Culture

  • This class was an introductory course to Spanish as both a language and a culture, teaching us basic grammar and phrases. In this class I learned that learning a language was not the easiest and it surprised me how much I enjoyed the class.

MATH 309: Numeration System

  • This class taught us how to think as we approach basic mathematical equations, learning multiple ways to approach a problem and its solutions. This class got me out of my comfort zone by requiring us to not use calculators and depending on the information we retained from previous math classes.

ENGL 210: Neo Slave Narratives

  • In this class, I learned multiple things about slavery and read many things that helped with both my critical thinking and my time management. With this class, my love for literature emerged and I was surprised with all of the information I learned about slavery that wasn’t taught to us in a public education system.

MATH 135: Mathematical Modeling of Finances

  • In this class, we learned about functions and models that help us evaluate and do finance-related problems and financial scenarios. This class surprised me with the difficulty to understand financial issues in the modern world.

SPAN 211: Integrated Language and Culture I

  • This class was a secondary course and primarily focused on improving our verbal and writing skills with Spanish. My final semester of Spanish made me realize that I enjoyed learning the language and pushed me out of my comfort zone, especially when we were required to speak.