Letter to Senior Self and Resume

Dear Future Audrey,

How are you doing? Well at the current moment, you’re doing decently well. You’ve just finished your freshman year, ending with a 3.4 GPA and deciding to switch your major to Psychology. Did you stick with that? If so what did you decide for your minor(s) and what in the world did you decide you want to do with that as a degree? At this point in time you’ve been introduced to people who have helped you expand your tastes in music (country music is your thing) as well as becoming better with understanding the different perspectives of how people view things and their feelings, although you still have to work on it- so did you get better? With everything going on in your life, did you manage to find yourself? Did you hold onto and find more things that are most important to you? Your family is one of the most important things in your life, how are they doing? Did everyone adjust well to the move? And did you end up moving again? How are the kiddos doing? And did Dad get promoted to Colonel? Also, how is everything going with all your friends? Did you manage to remain friends with everyone you met, or did you fall out?

I have things I expect out of you in these next three years love. I want you to be able to work towards something you love, work for that degree that will have you loving life when you work. Did you? Did you manage to find a club or two that you enjoy and wanted to stick with? And did you manage to become more social with people, expanding outside of the group that you have now? You said you were, so I really hope you did that. And your confidence darling, where are you with that now? Did you act upon the realization that you are who you make yourself to be and nobody can stop you from being the best you can? Did you manage to decide how you feel about religion? Did you find one that connects with your beliefs or did you just decide not to go for any of them? Here’s another thing, did you stop being so angry with everyone that did you wrong? Did you understand that you can forgive, but not forget and that some people are meant to be in your life to teach you lessons or show you the better parts of life?

Audrey, I hope you’re achieving everything you want and that nothing is holding you back. No one is important enough to stop you from reaching for every goal and dream you want in life. Make your family proud by giving yourself everything that they never could give themselves. You got this far, and I can’t wait to see what else you accomplish. We’re going to do big things.

Much Love,

Your younger self

Here is the link to my Resume and CV