Research Question:
- How can parental involvement be encouraged with family-fun time activities?
What Survey Question will you use to operationalize your independent variable?
- What is the highest degree of education anyone in your household has completed?
- Less than High School
- High School
- Some College
- College Degree or Higher
- Prefer Not to Answer
Explain Why They are Good Questions
- The questions make items clear and simplified for understanding, don’t ask two questions at once, and are relevant to the dependent variable (parental involvement) and the independent variable (socioeconomic status). The questions avoid language that survey respondents may not understand, as well as avoiding negative material that may deter respondents from answering.
Discuss Best Practices for Survey Research
- It is important to know the general population of the respondents. With survey research involving things like online surveys, it has proven to be effective and efficient. However, not all respondents may have access to the technology or internet that is needed. Self-administered questionnaires (questionnaires that the respondent can fill out without supervision) is the survey choice we selected when doing our research. This practice of survey research is easy and cost-effective.