Posts made in August, 2018

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Psychology is an interesting topic that can be useful in understanding how the human thinks and works. According to the article by Science Daily, a genetic mutation underlying severe childhood brain disorder has been identified. This shows that a mutation in the alpha-N-catenin gene, which promotes cell adhesion and causes pachygyria. Pachygyria is one of the most serious developmental brain defects which is characterized by a nonnormal movement of the brain nerve cells, also known as neurons. With studying this shows the three families that are affected by this disease. This mutation can affect how nerve cells travel from their source of origin in developing the brain to their concluding destination. In healthy brains, a specific protein controls the shape of the cell and helps those neurons move to the correct position in the brain.  This protein is lacking because of a genetic mutation, which causes Pachygyria. But with this finding can raise the possibility of genetic engineering through the techniques. Uncovering a key gene responsible for pachygyria and understanding its dynamic allows researchers to discover a variation of the condition. Pachygyria can be discovered either in the front or the back of the brain, which changes the development of the brain. Have founding this unique feature leads to the conclusion that a new gene, not previously linked to pachygyria is responsible. This is showing that people with a with a single-copy mutation of a specific gene are causing epilepsy, autism, and schizophrenia.

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