Posted by Kelly Gaffney

Career #2 Public School Teacher (Secondary)

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  1. Mission Statement: We are dedicated to creating an environment that fosters optimism, creativity, critical thinking, and lifelong learning.  Prepare tomorrow’s leaders today by modeling superior instruction in our teaching and by developing social efficacy skills through meaningful interactions with positive adult role models. Through curriculum and instruction that are challenging and rigorous, we will maintain high academic standards of higher learning.
  2. Origin:In 1821, Boston started the first public high school in the United States. By the close of the 19th century, public secondary schools began to outnumber private ones.
  3. Academic Requirements: A bachelor’s degree in secondary education is required to teach high school classes and courses. Typically, it’s customary to major in the subject you want to teach, such as math or English.
  4. Job Setting: This obviously includes the standard classroom of which a teacher is responsible for about 25 students in up to 4 classes. (100 total)
  5. Salary: On average, (In the U.S. 2015 Database), a high school teachers salary is $52,700

Resume Differences: I need to acquire my bachelors degree as well as a secondary in education through math and reading/English.

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