Posted by Kelly Gaffney

Career #1 Navy Officer

  1. Mission Statement: The Department of the Navy will recruit, train, equip, and organize to deliver combat ready Naval forces to win conflicts and wars while maintaining security and deterrence through sustained forward presence.
  2. Vision: We are an integrated Naval force that will provide maritime dominance for the Nation.
  3. Origin: It is obvious that the U.S Navy was created from the birth of our country to help protect our oceanic borders as well as aid our Army forces across the seas. This included international affairs, border conflicts, and potential country invasions. The Navy has always been a separate branch of the military as the Army but ultimately fight on the same team for the same cause (The freedom and safety of the U.S.)
  4. Academic Requirements: To be recruited into the navy, there are two options: Number 1 is to enlist as a high school graduate. These guys are the bottom of the barrel cadets but are the backbone of the infantry. Number 2 is to commission as a college graduate. Every enlisted member serves the officers as they are higher ranked automatically. Commissioned Navy officers must have a bachelors degree along with a 2-3 month officer course.
  5. Job Setting: The setting of a job in the Navy can include many different “office” areas, including a navy base, hospital, naval ship, airport, aircraft carrier, and even
  6. Salary: The average salary of a commissioned Navy officer is roughly $69,000 but a select officers salary depends on their rank/experience, and job specialty.

Resume Differences: According to the Official Navy approved and qualified resume, a commissioned recruit requires fluency in another language besides English (Which I am on the verge of) and strong leadership and physical training skills provided by select ROTC and military prep courses. Besides those qualification, I have everything I need to set myself on this path to military leadership.

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