Review of the Literature
#1 ~ Source: Screen vs. Paper: What is the difference for reading and learning?
- Myrberg, C., & Wiberg, N. (2015). Screen vs. paper: what is the difference for reading and learning? Insights the UKSG Journal, 28(2), 49–54. doi: 10.1629/uksg.236
- This research article examined the effect of screen vs paper reading on how fast students could read the content and effectively comprehend the material. The researchers wanted to see if people preferred print text over screen text, out of habit, or if the subjects genuinely felt that they were more effective readers when reading on print. The research concluded that there is no difference for reading and learn using screen or paper text; rather, people choose print for psychological reasons than technological reasons.
#2 ~ Source: Screen Reading vs Paper Reading: An Experimental Study on the Impact of Different Reading Materials on Recall and Comprehension Among Students
- Ramalingam, Y., Naidu, R. S., Hariish, G., & Naidoo, J. P. (2018). Screen Reading vs Paper Reading: An Experimental Study on the Impact of Different Reading Materials on Recall and Comprehension Among Students . American Institute of Science, 4, 1–6. Retrieved from
- This article analyzed a study that determined if using different readings would affect recall accuracy and comprehension. The two types of readings were on either a print medium or a screen medium. The results of the study concluded that even though subjects using the screen medium scored better on the comprehension test, the subjects would still prefer reading on print.
#3 ~ Source: Screen and Paper Reading Research- a literature review
- Walsh, G. (2016). Screen and Paper Reading Research – A Literature Australian Academic & Research Libraries, 47(3), 160–173. doi: 10.1080/00048623.2016.1227661
- This study highlighted the different advantages and disadvantages of using electronic and print text. The article touches on how print texts are strengthened by their ability to be physically held by students. This study highlighted the different advantages and disadvantages of using electronic and print text. The article touches on how print texts are strengthened by their ability to be physically held by students. However, it also mentions the variability of screen texts and its constant availability to students.
#4 ~ Source: Digital Textbooks Versus Print Textbooks
- Engbrecht, Jamie R., “Digital Textbooks Versus Print Textbooks” (2018). Culminating Projects in Teacher Development. 35.
- The journal compares the affects, benefits, and setbacks of print and digital media. It looks at how digital media has emerged over the past years and how it has become an integral part of our society and by default, our education. It will also look to see what each holds for the future of education.
#5 ~ Source: Reading behavior in the digital environment.
- Liu, Z. (2005). Reading behavior in the digital environment. Journal of Documentation, 61(6), 700–712. doi: 10.1108/00220410510632040
- The journal looks at how the entrance of digital reading has affected students. The journal then looks at the evolution of reading behavior over a span of ten years. The reading behavior seems to be accelerated toward more digital mediums in the past ten years due to the continual evolution of technological advancement.
#6 ~ Source: Print versus digital texts: understanding the experimental research and challenging the dichotomies
- Ross, B., Pechenkina, E., Aeschliman, C., & Chase, A.-M. (2017). Print versus digital texts: understanding the experimental research and challenging the dichotomies. Research in Learning Technology, 25(0). doi: 10.25304/rlt.v25.1976
- The journal presents the results of how digital reading has affected teaching in schools with the implementation of e-texts. It also highlights how those practices can be implemented in a positive way to best benefit the students. It also touches on how students take to the implementation of e-texts and they focus on things such as student awareness and how they are instructed to use the e-texts.
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