Comprehension: The Reading Strategies Book: Your Everything Guide to Developing Skilled Readers

Serravalle, J. (2015). The Reading Strategies Book: your everything guide to developing skilled readers. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.

Supporting Comprehension

  • Think about characters
  • Understand the plot and setting
  • Teach fluency
  • Understand themes and ideas
  • Determine main topics and ideas
  • Determine key details
  • Understand vocabulary and figurative language


Vocabulary: Vocabulary Unplugged  

Morris, A. (2006). Vocabulary Unplugged: 30 lessons that will revolutionize how we teach vocabulary K-12. Shoreham, VT: Discover Writing Press.

Building Vocabulary

  • Memory: word storm, word connections, word walls
  • Wordplay: homonyms, synonyms, antonyms
  • Movement: motion, balls, exercise
  • Patterns: last word, concept attainment, pattern sacks, word stamps
  • Color: color my word, spelling workshop, scavenger hunt, word balloons
  • Music and sound: tone for two, moody words, radio ga ga
  • Poetry: word slam, title quest, snip-it word poems
  • Context: mental mingling, word portfolios, prediction pops
  • History: birth of a word, word warp time line, word passports


Writing: The PreK-2 Writing Classroom: Growing Confident Writers     

Hansen, J., Davis, R., Evertson, J., Freeman, T., Suskin, D., & Tower, H. (2011). The PreK-2 Writing Classroom: growing confident writers. New York: Scholastic.

Molding Confident Writers

  • Engage our young writers: draw or talk
  • Finesse their work: experiment with spaces, use various spelling strategies, purpose of periods
  • Keep our young writers engaged: use an evaluation, provide time for writers to share with their class
  • Honor our writers’ complete lives


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