Cooperating Teacher Interview
How do you keep notes about what you are seeing in class?
Throughout the school day, my CT typically takes mental notes regarding what she sees in the classroom. She also keeps a journal of notes. When students are working independently, she takes these moments as an opportunity to add to her journal. Her notes include content students have mastered that are being taught. She also takes notes when she realizes a student is struggling with material. These notes ultimately help drive her instructional decisions. If a students is struggling to learn the content, she will take these notes into consideration and reteach the material.
What are your thoughts around that topic?
When it comes to reading in print or on screen, she did not have a preference; she said that either way is fine. She also gave me several pros regarding reading in print or on screen. For example, she said that when students are reading in print, the pages are tangible so students can track the sentences they are reading. On the other hand, a pro to reading on screen is that students can digitally highlight the text. Students also seem to like the bright colors that are illuminated off the tablets. Another benefit to students reading on screen is that the tablets have the technology to read to the students.
How do you use technology in your classroom?
One way she integrates technology into the classroom is by providing the students with tablets. There are only a select number of tablets; therefore, they are typically used as one of the centers. There are also about four laptops in the classroom that students can use during center time as well. When the students use the laptops, they log into the program iXL, which is an online academic program for math and literacy. My CT invested in a document camera and typically uses it for modeling and guided instruction. A form of technology that was provided to my CT’s classroom is a promethium board, which allows for more interactive guided practice.
Do you have any books or articles you would suggest I read (websites)?
When conducting this interview, my CT had just returned from a literacy workshop. At this literacy workshop, they introduce the teachers to a program called Reading Rockets. The workshop provided training to the teachers to help them better understand and navigate the program. The goal was for these teachers to become better equipped and implement the knowledge they learned into their classrooms. My CT highly recommended that I check out this program and consider incorporating it into my future classroom.
Is there another special I should watch or teacher/administrator I should talk with to deepen my knowledge of the topic?
My CT suggested that I talk with the reading specialist, Amy Allen, about my research question. She stated that she may have some form of background knowledge on the topic from previous experiences. She also encouraged me to see if the reading specialist had any suggestions regarding how I could integrate this topic into my tutoring lessons. My CT also mentioned asking the reading specialist if she had any resources that I could use to help conduct my research. Two resources that she mentioned were passages online and leveled reader books.
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