My name is John Ward and this is my first year at Longwood  University.  I am a transfer student from Southside Virginia Community College in Keysville.  My major is English with a concentration in Professional Writing. After graduating from Longwood, my goal is to attend the University of Virginia Law School to major in Administrative Law.

I enjoy video games and have been collecting vintage consoles for several years. I also love to read and write. Although I read many types of books, I prefer three different genres: horror, science fiction, and fantasy . My favorite horror author is H.P. Lovecraft. His writings are unique and have a very deep lore.

During my high school graduation , the senior class were given swords and daggers. The men were given the swords and the girls received daggers. It may sound bizarre that a high school would distribute weapons in these violent, unpredictable times. However, the school is a private school located in historic Appomattox. The unsharpened Excalibur blade represents the classical mindset of the school and it is almost four feet long.

I am excited about this class. I love studying  rhetoric because it will help me in life, especially in public speaking and writing. As a lawyer it is a requirement to be fluent in rhetoric and logic. These two skills are excellent to have in any job field. I hope everyone will enjoy this course as much I will.