I took this course in the fall of my sophomore year. As a second-year student, I was excited for the opportunities I knew awaited me, and so I was very optimistic of what I could learn from my courses.
This class taught me the importance of critical thinking. We often agree or disagree with an argument based upon the majority support, not contingent on the argument itself. Through step-by-step instruction, Dr. Moore taught us the forms the make an argument valid and true. While skeleton forms are easy, the extractos and examples continued to challenge me all semester.
While I never mastered the extracto, and I could not create an argument using any of the forms I learned, I am conscious of myself thinking critically more often. Critical thinking has helped me already in a CURIO research project, where I analyzed dozens of thesis and claims for a review article.
Attached below is my presentation PowerPoint on the ethics of prostitution, according to S.E. Marshall in their article “The Case of Prostitution.”