I took this class in the fall of 2016.
This class surpasses all of my expectations and became my favorite class of the semester! My professor was engaging and was very knowledgeable of the course. She was not perfect, and would admit to lack of knowledge in certain areas. As a student, I found this very admirable.
Each day of class we took a daily quiz on the reading we did for homework. At the time, I was a first-semester freshman, and I lacked a lot of skills to help my succeed in school. In order to pass the quizzes, I needed to not only read the chapter, but to diligently review my notes. This practice came in handy for my other classes throughout the year.
We also had Scientific Literacy assignments that had us check the credibility of sources delivering information on psychological studies, including magazine and scholarly articles. In order to do this, one needs to be able to synthesis and analyze the material. Below is an attachment of one such assignment.