Teacher as a Researcher

Review of Literature

Here are peer- review articles that I studied during my research to develop various idea, predictions, and inferences of what benefits kinesthetic learning could have on all students in the classroom. I tried to use a wide variety of articles that covered all learners to provide exemplary support in my research. Below I will list the peer- reviewed articles, a small summary, and the citation. I hope you find these helpful and useful.


Evaluation of a Motion-Based Platform for Practicing Phonological Awareness of Preschool Children.

The aim of this study is to introduce a new platform called, En Plein, which promotes the kinesthetic practice of phonological skills of preschool children. The system provides a number of phonological activities for children that allows interaction with a playful virtual environment. Children who worked with the platform showed improvements in their phonological awareness, while their peers who received only the traditional education had a mean increase of CMF scores of 1%. Data showed that children who used the system were more confident in manipulating structural phonological units, increased their awareness of words sound structures and applied them to different tasks.

Goffredo, M., Bernabucci, I., Lucarelli, C., Conforto, S., Schmid, M., Nera, M. M., … Grasselli, B. (2016). Evaluation of a Motion-Based Platform for Practicing Phonological Awareness of Preschool Children. Journal of Educational Computing Research54(5), 595–618. https://doi-org.proxy.longwood.edu/10.1177/0735633115626881


Increasing English Learners’ Positive Emotional Response to Learning Through Dance

In this article, it discusses research that was constructed to find out if dancing was a curriculum enhancement for English Second Language (ESL) learners. Kinesthetic learning is very seldom used in the classroom and these researchers wanted to provide evidence that suggest kinesthetic learning benefited students. Much of the research provided in this article suggest that kinesthetic learning increased student enjoyment, motivation, and confidence in their learning abilities. The researchers gathered quantitative questionaires and qualitative feedback from 26 students, who participated in a 4- week long Dance ESL curriculum. They found after receiving their data that the movement increased positive, emotional responses and retention.

Hanks, E., & Eckstein, G. (2019). Increasing English Learners’ Positive Emotional Response to Learning Through Dance. TESL Reporter52(1), 72–93. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com.proxy.longwood.edu/login.aspx?direct=true&db=ehh&AN=139467733&site=ehost-live&scope=site


Moving Bodies to Moving Minds: A Study of the Use of Motion-Based Games in Special Education.

In this article, researchers are trying to prove/ study that the active human body can alter the function of the brain, which includes the cognitive process. In this investigation, there is a children’s activity using motion- based technology used as a way to represent embodied learning. The research was on a series of Kinect-based educational games by 31 elementary students with special educational needs in the span of 5 months. Results came back after comparing the pre and post tests that the embodied learning style had a positive impact on children’s short-term memory skills and emotional stage.

Kosmas, P., Ioannou, A., & Retalis, S. (2018). Moving Bodies to Moving Minds: A Study of the Use of Motion-Based Games in Special Education. TechTrends: Linking Research & Practice to Improve Learning62(6), 594–601. https://doi-org.proxy.longwood.edu/10.1007/s11528-018-0294-5


Kinesthetic learning in science.

In this article, there is a focus on the classroom culture in which teachers could promote a wide variety of benefits in students. Researchers also wanted to focus on a classroom that promotes self-confidence, improved on-task behavior and increased collaboration through movement. The research in this article also suggests that student’s ability to engage and be happier during learning is met through incorporation of movement. The article takes a deep look into the hippo-campus of the brain when movement is incorporated with learning. Researchers found that kinesthetic learning strengthened the hippo-campus of students, which houses our learning and memory systems.

MCGLYNN, K., & KOZLOWSKI, J. (2017). Kinesthetic learning in science. Science Scope40(9), 24–27. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com.proxy.longwood.edu/login.aspx?direct=true&db=ehh&AN=123688616&site=ehost-live&scope=site


Early Elementary Students’ Development of Astronomy Concepts in the Planetarium.

In this article, it focuses on the use of kinesthetic learning with elementary students during a planetarium visit. The technique of kinesthetic learning was used to aid elementary students in understanding astronomical concepts regarding movement. The study provided, in this read, examine the change in student’s understanding of apparent celestial motion after attending the planetarium and being involving in the kinesthetic learning experience. There were pre and post interviews conducted with participants of seven classes of first and second grade students. After reviewing data, it came to the researchers findings that the students showed significant improvement in knowledge of all areas of celestial motion.

Plummer, J. D. (2009). Early Elementary Students’ Development of Astronomy Concepts in the Planetarium. Journal of Research in Science Teaching46(2), 192–209. https://doi-org.proxy.longwood.edu/10.1002/tea.20280


Teaching Mechanics Using Kinesthetic Learning Activities.

This article focuses primarily for high school or college aged students. The focus in this investigation was on students who are learning physics. Physics requires so much construction of new ideas and tremendously difficult cognitive tasks. This is very difficult for novice students, so researchers are suggesting that teachers implement more opportunities for students to visualize and produce during their learning. In this article, the researcher discusses what teaching methods and strategies would be beneficial for these students and the most important one talked about is kinesthetic learning.

Richards, A. (2019). Teaching Mechanics Using Kinesthetic Learning Activities. Physics Teacher57(1), 35–38. https://doi-org.proxy.longwood.edu/10.1119/1.5084926



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