All posts by Rebecca Istre

World History I

In this class, it took me some time to adjust to the system my professor taught in.  She was very enthusiastic about what she was teaching and it made me step back a little bit and just get through the class. It took a little while before I would answer questions in class and really put myself in a state of understanding. Trying to read documents and what they meant was not easy for me. Over time it started to become easier and when it was assigned as my final assignment for the course, I was ready to do my best.  The document above was the final assignment that landed with a B in the class for the semester.

Honors: Inquiry to Citizenship-Bodies and Citizens

When stepping into the first honors course of my college career that so happened to be a pilot course as well, I was not expecting great things. I struggled to find direction and adjust to my section of this multifaceted course. I was pleased to find out that my section was focused on historical topics, however, not everyone in my class was as thrilled as I was. There were many interests of my peers that coincided with the discussion of the day. My distaste in the beginning slowly shifted to interest. It was not until the semester closing project that I was able to do something that was all about my interests and present them to the class by combining the past with the future. As a mostly speaking infused course, it gave me insight into my future of being a teacher. I would say that it was a good stepping stone to preparing a lesson plan and caring it out. All in all, for a pilot course, it needs some work, but it did provide useful skills for everyone and was not as bad as it initially seemed. Not everyone is going to be a teacher, but everyone needs to be a speaker.