Course Journals

Campus Wide Research Journal

Hitlers Rhetoric

Thoreau’s “Civil Disobedience” Rhetorical Analysis 

Journal Entry on the Atlantic Coast Pipeline

Reflection : I did the same thing for each journal entry for this class the entire year. I would read the questions before I read the articles, then while I was reading the articles I could think about how I was going to answer the questions. Most of the journals were okay to read, however some of the longer journals like Hitlers Battle and Thoreau’s Civil Disobedience would take a little bit longer to read. These were harder to read but are understandable if context clues are used. For the journal entry on the Atlantic Coast Pipeline, I had to identify ethos, pathos, and logos as well as identify fallacies. I used the notes given in class to do this for this journal. I also had to analysis a video, and Dr. Guler gave the class some helpful information on Canvas of how to do that. I think it is important to read articles like these to understand public discourse like in Civil Disobedience. It is also important to understand the out comings of these articles like in Hitlers Battle.