Citizen 110

This class satisfied the Inquiry into Citizenship Foundation level. During this class, we learned about different philosophers and their philosophies on being a good citizen. We had readings that needed to be done every night, complete with reading notes and a quiz given the next class on the material. We had tests that covered all of the material we had covered in class up to that point, with a helpful study guide and review day beforehand. Our final exam was an argument taking a stance on either abortion or the death penalty. To support our argument, we had to use arguing techniques and philosophies we had learned about throughout the semester.

The following document is an alternate assignment that was given on a day we did not have class in order to prepare us for our final. We had to come up with two opposing sides for each topic and support each with strong arguments. This assignment was very helpful in allowing me to see both sides of a controversial topic and it also helped me to feel more prepared for objections that might come up during my final.