SPAN 302

This conversational Spanish class helped me become more familiar with speaking the language naturally and learn popular words and phrases that are not taught in traditional American classrooms.

In Valencia, there was a cathedral that took so long to build there were four doors, each built with a different architectural style that was popular at the time of its construction.  I took a self guided tour and wrote about it below.  This helped me become more connected to my Catholic roots.  You will notice the paper is in Spanish.  Papers like this one helped me learn how to translate my experiences between two languages and become more engaged with the site itself which often did not have any signs or descriptions in English.

Through my trip to Valencia and my obvious language barrier within Spain as a whole, I learned how to circumnavigate my points and have a new appreciation and respect for people that move to nations like the United States in hopes of a better life but speak very little of the popular language.

Catedral de Valencia