Sean Ruday

A manuscript co-authored by Sean Ruday, Assistant Professor of English, has been accepted for publication by the Literacy Research Association Yearbook. This manuscript, titled “‘You Can’t Put the Genie Back into the Bottle’: English Teachers’ Beliefs and Attitudes Regarding Digital Literacies in the Classroom,” discusses the results of a research study conducted by the authors […]

Sean Ruday publishes grammar text

Sean Ruday, Assistant Professor of English, has published a grammar text entitled The Common Core Grammar Toolkit: Using Mentor Texts to Teach the Language Standards in Grades 3-5, now available at the following web site:

Sean Ruday

An article co-authored by Assistant Professor of English Sean Ruday and Jen Wilson of the Field School of Charlottesville has been accepted for publication by the Virginia English Bulletin. This article, titled “‘Like Being on the Inside:’ Analyzing Advertisements with Adolescent Males” describes middle school boys’ experiences critiquing advertisements and provides educators with recommendations for […]