Michael Lund wins the Col. Darron L. Wright Award

L__(16)_lund_rdax_159x106Professor Emeritus Michael Lund has been selected as second place finalist in the Col. Darron L. Wright Award for his short story, “Left-Hearted,” which was published by Line of Advance in February, 2016.  The writing contest is funded by a generous donation from the Blake and Bailey Foundation to honor the memory of Colonel Darron L. Wright, “a thoughtful, reflective artist, eager to tell the truth about his men with compassion and a commander’s eye.”  Dr. Lund will donate his prize money to Home and Abroad, Longwood’s writing program for military, veterans, and family members hosted by the Department of English and Modern Languages.

Sean Ruday is Routledge EOE’s Author of the Month for June

RudaySean Ruday, author of the newly published  The Narrative Writing Toolkit, has been selected as the Routledge Eye On Education Author of the Month for June.  The publisher’s interview with Sean, which includes an overview of his other titles (and a shout-out to his mom), may be found here.

Pam McDermott Takes Students to Carnegie Hall

Pam McDermott will travel with eight singers to Carnegie Hall to perform on Sunday, June 5 at 2:00 p.m. Singers were selected by the Music Faculty and have been fundraising for a year to participate in this opportunity. Additional funding was provided by the SGA, the Music Department, and the Cook-Cole College of Arts and Sciences. In addition to work done during class, students rehearsed during Senior Week to learn the music for this performance.

Singers are: Katie Fountain, Madelyn Magnotti, Chandler Baldree, Lauren Peters, Kate Hundley, Angela Nigrelli, Laura Millon, and Jordan Russnow.

Rhonda Brock-Servais on With Good Reason

With Good ReasonThe May 21, 2016 broadcast of With Good Reason featured Rhonda Brock-Servais’s discussion of the rise of gothic and horror books for children.  The broadcast, called “Monsters in the Classroom,” included several conversations about recent developments in primary and secondary education.  With Good Reason is sponsored by the Virginia Foundation for the Humanities.

Steve Faulkner earns starred review from Kirkus Reviews

BitterrootKirkus Reviews, one of the premier American book review magazines, has awarded a starred review to Steve Faulkner’s forthcoming memoir Bitterroot.

From KR: A well-recounted father-and-son journey in the Missouri River country.

That land is definitively Lewis and Clark territory, and that duo figures prominently, though mostly in the mountainous region of the title, a place that Faulkner (Waterwalk: A Passage of Ghosts, 2007)—a Kansas flatlander by way of Virginia—knows well. More, it was the haunt of Pierre Jean De Smet, a Jesuit priest who in 1840 and 1841 traveled the Oregon Trail and in the bargain helped “popularize that arduous journey west.” De Smet makes a good tutelary spirit for the journey, a wise intermediary among the worlds of Europe and Native America, a binary that still exists out on the land. Mixing in accounts by a Nez Perce warrior named White Thunder, Faulkner ventures a “three-legged understanding of the northern half of what was then called the Far West.” To make life interesting, he and his 18-year-old son Alex traveled by a variety of conveyances, including canoes, bicycles, and their own two feet, meeting all sorts of people, from wary sheriffs to itinerant Indians to truckers and scholars. Alex’s presence complicates the narrative, but in good ways, for the father-son business between them is emphatically less fraught than what readers encounter in the kindred spirit of Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. It’s a pleasure to find the drama in hailstorms and the bawls of grizzly bears instead. Faulkner tells an unadorned, unaffected story, with an occasional tendency to overquote from historical sources more than balanced by his strong descriptions of people and places—e.g., “We are on a high bluff of whitish-grey, speckled limestone, much of it silted over with a thin soil and fringed in blowing prairie grasses.” Among the many high points are a sympathetic reimagining of Little Big Horn and a hell-for-leather bicycle ride down an impossibly steep mountain, “down and down, swerving, leaning, braking, vast treescapes of fir and spruce greeting us at every turn.

A fine travelogue worthy of shelving next to Jonathan Raban and William Least Heat-Moon.

Kenneth Pestka II and Jonathan Buckley present research at APS Meeting and Cook-Cole Poster Session.

Assistant professor of physics Kenneth A. Pestka II and Longwood undergraduate physics major Jonathan D. Buckley presented their research on the acoustic properties of self-healing polymers at the annual American Physical Society (APS) March Meeting of 2016. The APS March Meeting is the world’s largest annual physics conference with over 9,800 people in attendance for 2016.

Dr. Pestka spoke about, “Acoustic and ultrasonic characterization constraints of self-healing (ethylene-co-methacrylic acid) copolymers.” Kenneth Pestka II, Jonathan Buckley (16), Stephen Kalista, Nicholas Bowers


Jonathan Buckley presented a poster on, “Acoustic and Ultrasonic Spectral Evolution in Pre- and Post-Damage Self-Healing Poly (Ethylene Co-Methacrylic Acid) Ionomer Samples.” Jonathan Buckley (16), Kenneth Pestka II, Stephen Kalista


In addition, Jonathan Buckley will present a poster based on this research at the Cook-Cole Academic Research Poster Session on Thursday, April 21st, from 3:30-5pm in Blackwell Hall




BES students present research at NCUR

Dr. Amorette Barber and Dr. Wade Znosko travelled with four students to present at the 2016 National Conference on Undergraduate Research.  Dr. Barber’s students (Adam Lynch and William Hawk) presented their research titled “Chimeric PD1 Expressing T cells for Anti-Tumor Therapy” and Dr. Znosko’s students (Alexa Tepley and Melanie Books) presented their research titled “Expanding the Indicator Bacteria Concept: Generation of an Indicator Bacteria Scale to Predict Overall Ecosystem Health in Impaired Environmental Waters”.


From L-R: William Hawk,  Adam Lynch, Melanie Books, Alexa Tepley

Cook-Cole Faculty Mentor Student Research

The following represents a sampling of the student research projects that will be presented at the Cook-Cole Academic Research Poster Session on Thursday, April 21, 3:30 -5:00 in Blackwell.


The impact of moisture on the heat output of pine – Erin Maloney, Chanel Radden, Nicole Vick

The effect of urban development on fecal coliform levels in creeks  -Ethan Armistead, Connor Reaman, Devin Teachey, Chris Yeager

The effect of human land use on nutrient limitation in creeks – Evan Barnes, Devin Straub, Jodie Wheeler

Effect of urban land use on periphyton growth in streams – Emily Douglass, Jonathan Milisci, Chriss Fish

Nutrient levels in urban vs rural waterways – Michael Ball, Eric Lewis, and John Tripus

Impact of reservoirs on dissolved oxygen, total suspended solids, and temperature – Bobby Rae Allen, Ian Court, Kelly Nelson



Acoustic and Ultrasonic Spectral Evolution in Pre- and Post-Damage Self-Healing Poly (Ethylene Co-Methacrylic Acid) Ionomer Samples. Jonathan Buckley (Kenneth Pestka II, Stephen Kalista)

Using Biological Organisms as Chemical Sensors: MicroboCop Part III. Olivia Colella, Tanya Roach (Dr. Sarah E. G. Porter)

Tautomerism in drug design: The study of an imine-amine pair using spectroscopy, chemometrics, and quantum theory. (Andrew A. Yeagley, Benjamin J. Topham, Sarah E. G. Porter) Sam R. King

Quantum interference effects in molecular electronics.  James Wrigglesworth (Ben Topham)

Variations of CaO as a catalyst in biodiesel synthesis. Samantha Mathias and Samuel King (Ben Topham)

Biodiesel synthesis from non-food source feedstock oils. Shelby Furman, Jake Mishico, and James Wrigglesworth (Ben Topham)

Comparison of natural and synthetic antioxidants to increase biodiesel oxidative stability. Adam Diehl and Gabrielle Byrne (Ben Topham)

Preparing and Screening Brominated Phenols – An Organic Laboratory Experience. Shelby Furman (Andrew Yeagley)

Investigating the Antimicrobial Properties of Brominated Parabens – An Organic Laboratory Experience. Hailey Kintz (Andrew Yeagley)




Mentor: Alec Hosterman

The Language of Fans in Society: An Examination of the Mainstreaming of Fandoms, Negative Stigmas against Participating Fans, and Miscommunication between Fans and Popular Society – Mary Alexander and Jessica Mayo

Assessing Cultural Difference Preparation in Longwood University’s Criminal Justice Program – Benjamin Blumenthal

How Premier League Teams Engage Fans on Instagram – Daena Bodie

What does your drink say about you? A qualitative look at millennial’s drink choices and peer influence – Dylan Caruso and Derrick Bennington

Longwood Non-Athlete’s Perceptions of Student-Athletes – Brandon Carwile

Snapchat’s Ability to Build and Maintain Friendships – Chris Clements

The Examination of Why Those Who are Harassed in the Workplace Do Not Speak Up – Michael Durr

The Effects of Twitter through Agenda Setting on the 2016 Presidential Election – Natalie Farver and Nathena Haddrill

How Conflict Affects Interpersonal Relationships in a Non-traditional Workplace – Xavier Harrison

To Pimp Our Understandings: How Kendrick Lamar’s ‘To Pimp A Butterfly’ addresses issues in the African American Community – Kyle Krupa

“So You Agree…You Think You’re Really Pretty.”  How Instagram influences our Self-Esteem through Social Comparison – Becca Latimer and Sophie Urruty-Capozza

The Influence of ‘Say Yes to the Dress’ and ‘Four Weddings’ on Standards of Religion Within a Wedding Ceremony – Jennifer Louden and Kristen Perdue

Money Talks – Dylan Martinez

The Unrealistic Life Portrayals of Romantic Interracial Relationships Exemplified Through Modern Television Shows – Katie McHugh and Meghan O’Connor

Common Motives & Communication Tactics Used by Fans to Reach Celebrities on Social Media – Casey Meadows

College Students’ Opinions of Alcohol Use at Longwood University – Angela Molyneaux and Emily Leonard

Is It All About Blowing Glitter and “Candids”? Female College Students’ Perceptions of Sorority Life based on Recruitment VideosTaylor Nashwinter and Victoria Staples

The perceptions of tattoos and their effects on people’s initial engagements – Ryan Quigley

Understanding Beauty Of Female Athletes Through The Millennial Lens – Nicole Reed and Raven Williams

Examining Coverage of Police Brutality and how it pertains to current racial tensions in the United States – Phillip Scruggs

To become beautiful again: How participating in a boudoir photography shoot may cause an increase in a woman’s self-esteem and body confidence – Carly Shaia

Money? Passions? Family and Peers? What Influences College Students to Choose Their Academic Major’s and Minor’s? – Rebecca Shearer

Punk Rock Personalities – Chris Williams

Ambiguity in health journalism – Jessica Darst and Tory Walker

Mentor: Laura Farrell

Facebook Surveillance after Relationship Termination – Natalie Joseph and Emily Haswell

True Life: I’m An Online Shopper — A Deeper Look into Online Shopping Habits of College Students
Laura Albrecht and Ben Stembridge

The Effect of Twitter Interactions on Music Consumers – Shannon Pilgrim

A Millennial’s Family History of Conflict – Katie McGhee

The Effect of Gender Roles on Romantic Relationship Satisfaction – Krista Spivey and Falynn Kelly

The Effect of “Likes” on the Self-Esteem of Millennial Facebook Users – Charles Peterson and Alexis Blake

Jessica Darst & Victoria Walker – Ambiguity in Health Journalism

The Effect Parent Communication has on First Year Student’s Adjustment to College – Kelsey Monk

Cultural Contexts Influence on Communication within Intercultural Relationships – Heide Voss & Maria Coronel

Relationship Trust based on Facebook Usage – Briana Adhikusuma

Relationship longevity and Facebook interaction – Kira Zimney

Relationship Satisfaction and Facebook Usage – Lesley Comer and Amber Walker

Netflix and ___? – Francisco Mejia and Connor Niver

Social Media’s Influence on Youth Voter’s Perception of Political Issues – Thomas Lanigan

The Effects of Social Media on Long Distance Romantic Relationships – Nicole Persons and Aubrey Duignam

Social Networking Sites and the Connections between Motivations and Face-To-Face Communication – Madison Miller and Brittany Smith

So No One Told You Life Was Gonna Be This Way: The Television Show, Friends and Its Influence – Morgan Edmonds and Alison von Bredow

Targeting Millennials through Snapchat – Kelsea Kitto and Julia Laviano

Snapchat’s Political Stories and their Influence on Young Voters – Betty Brown

Slut-Shaming & College Students – Leslie Bretz and Sarah Vernon

Millennial Interpretation of Donald Trump’s #MakeAmericaGreatAgain – Abbie Early and Tayloe Clements

Negative Stigmatization of Mentally Ill – Alexandra Burton

War of The Words: Comparing Media Bias in Hard News vs. Comedy News – Pierson Gallant and Austin Madison

The Price of Beauty: YouTube Beauty Bloggers Influence on Consumers – Taylor O’Bier



Kepler’s Laws – Walter Coleman (advisor: Tom Wears, Mathematics)

Theater Costume Database – Rebecca Suiter (advisor: Don Blaheta, Computer Science)

Introduction to Discrete Dynamical Systems – Sabrina Walker (advisor: David Shoenthal, Mathematics)

An Arcade Platform for Interdisciplinary Research – Eric Whitehead (advisor: Robert Marmorstein, Computer Science)



Mentor:  Stephanie Buchert

Participants’ View of Agreeableness Based on Opinions of the Confederate Flag – Jade Westbrook & Makayla Evans

Examining Voting Behavior:  Male versus Female Candidates – Cassandra LaFonte & Dominique Thomas

The Influence of Social Media on Voter Participation -Cherie Barnett & Chris Troup

Does Being a Military Member and Having the Diagnostic Label of PTSD Affect How a Parent is Perceived? – Robert Penn, Erica Tedder, & Hannah Harmon

Excel Through Zen: Does Mindfulness Training Have an Effect on Cognitive Performance? – Sydney Fratrick and Becca Hamilton

Should There Always be a Silver Lining? Take Advantage of the Dark Side – Ashley McMath & Jasmine Payne

Mandalas and the Mind: The Effect of Coloring Mandalas on Anxiety – Jessica Morris & Estephanie Alvarado

I’m Gay, Can I Still Be Your Boss? The Effect of Sexual Orientation and Gender on Perceived Management Capability – Alyssa Shadbolt & Rachel Baines

The Effects of Homophone Errors on Attitudes toward the Employee – Jasmine Harrison & Katelyn Daniels

Is Virginity Hot or Not? The Effect of Sexual Experience on Attractiveness – Ashley Tolbert & Tanita Anthony

Who is More Appealing? The Effect of Student Involvement on Perceived Attractiveness among College Students – Hollie MacDonald & Nicole Cochran

Halo or Horns: The Influence of Attraction Perception on Judgment of Personality Traits – Hannah Thompson & Lauren Branham

Perception of Attractiveness Based on Positive and Negative Traits – John Woodruff & Christian Keilty

The Effect of Body Language on Perceived Successfulness – Robby Haentze & Alex Morrison

Is Friendship Perceived Stronger Through Different Modes of Communication? – Jessica McGill & Juanita Huipio

Spatial Ability: Can Training on One Task Improve Performance on Another? -Nicole Chappelle & Caitlin Toliver

Which Learning Style Has A Greater Effect on Short-Term Memory?  Audio versus Visual Presentation of Words – Sarah Arboleda & Jaclyn Reagan

Peer Responsibility Based on University Organization Affiliation – Marissa Stewart & Danesha Walton

The Impact of Leading Statements on False Memory – Destini Peay & Ashlie Glassie

Operation of an Eyetracker Lab – Blaize Adderly

Why Does Observing a Model Improve Young Children’s Knowledge Judgments? – Hunter Worsham, Amy Ligon, Makayla Evans, & Haley Moore

Wilderness Therapy, Trust, and Cortisol:  A Ropes Course Perspective – Annie E. Battle, Hayley J. Grossman, Jaclyn E. Reagan, Kate E. Ratliff, Marissa R. Stewart, & Carrie A. Zimmerman

Stressed Out?  Your Environment May be Impacting You – Ashley Johnson, Ally Marcus, Angela Menjivar, Reghan Slater, Kiana Simpkins, Amelia Smith, Lindsey Sparrock, Julia Wears, & Skylar Yeatts



Mentors: Dr. Jake Milne and Dr. Virginia Beard

Swipe Right: Why do Longwood students use Tinder and other related dating apps/websites? – Mark Armstrong

Drinks, Have You Had Too Many? – Kaitlyn Considine and Maria Biava

Views towards Capital Punishment – Tyler Winn, Joe Stine, and Daniel Lane

The Effects of Rural, Urban, and Suburban Environments on Academic Achievement – Alishia Ewell and Kathleen Simpson

Pay for Play? – Stephen Ferguson and Nicholas Reed

A Replication: Facebook Users’ Political Participation in the 2016 Election – Nathan Gilliam

Will You Marry Me? Perceptions on Appropriate Age of First Marriage – Rachel Gustafson and Marissa Perales

Gender and Fear of Crime:  A secondary data analysis of the relationship between gender and fear of crime – Hank Pitts and Ashley Haynes

Sexual Practices of Undergraduates at Longwood University – Colton Hanks and Jennie Thomas

Stress & Coping In Student Athletes vs. Non-student Athletes – Deborah Headen, Kyndal Skersick, and Daeisha Brown

Social Greek Participation Effects on Academic Achievement – Lilian Artica and Jamie Herman

Student Athletes: The Role of Conflict – Shaquille Johnson

Men vs. Women:  The impact of Gender on Views of Capital Punishment – Paul Jones, Kaitlynn Baylor and Jennie Klemptner

Predictors of Fear of Crime – Kristen Lipp, Kristen Jenkins and Leah Broker

Views towards Courts Sentencing – Kyle Caskey, Angel Miller and Casey Oakley

Sexual Practices of Undergraduates at Longwood University – Meghan Magee

Predictors of Gun Ownership – Scott Grebler, Nathan Darulla and Wyatt Perrin

Good News About Social Greeks: Academic Performance Among Greeks and Non-Greeks – Forrest Nunn

How Much Do You Think Students Drink? – Evan Ratke and Emily McKeon

Bring your Ego to Class – Nichole Seeman and Kendall O’Brien

Milk Carton Mysteries: Analyzing Racial Reporting Bias in the Media – Brittany Baker and T. Shahara Simmons

SIGN ME UP!: Examining Factors that Affect Involvement in Extracurricular Activities – Ashley Jackson and Chyanne Trowell

Attitudes towards Concussion Protocol – Tra’Vaughn White and Leron Fisher

Longwood Chemistry Presents Five Posters at ACS Undergraduate Poster Session

Three Longwood Chemistry Faculty, Dr. Sarah Porter, Dr. Ben Topham, and Dr. Andrew Yeagley, traveled to Charlottesville on Friday with seven students and five posters to present at the 2016 American Chemical Society Undergraduate Poster Session. The poster session is hosted by the local Virginia Section of the ACS and is an annual event at the University of Virginia.


LU chemistry represented well at the poster session. From L-R back row: Kaelyn Jefferson (PRISM 2016), Hailey Kintz (2015 PRISM student and undergraduate researcher 2015-16), Dr. Andrew Yeagley, Sam King (2016 Outstanding Senior in Chemistry, 2015-16 undergraduate researcher, Blackwell Scholar),  James Wrigglesworth (2015-16 undergraduate researcher), and Dr. Ben Topham.  From L-R front row: Dr. Sarah Porter, Olivia Colella (2016 Outstanding Senior in Biology, 2015-16 undergraduate researcher), Tanya Roach (2015-16 undergraduate researcher), Shelby Furman (2015-16 undergraduate researcher, PRISM 2015), and Bridget Bergquist (PRISM 2016).

Chris Swanson to conduct in the 2016 Mozart Festival

Saturday, April 16 Richmond Va will host the annual Mozart Festival. At 7pm at the Atlas Gallery, Chris Swanson will conduct a concert of Mozart opera arias. The concert will begin with the overture to The Marriage of Figaro and then fourteen arias sung by Richmond area professional singers.