Craig Challender

Poems by Craig Challender have recently appeared in The Paterson Literary Review, Mikrokosmos, The Asheville Poetry Review, and The Connecticut Review.  One of Dr. Challender’s poems, “Bequest,” won Mikrokosmos’ best-of-genre prize; and Connecticut Review has nominated “How to be Lucky” for a Pushcart Prize.  Both poems were written during Dr. Challender’s Spring 2009 sabbatical.

Jennifer Capaldo

Jennifer Capaldo is a Semi-Finalist for the American Prize in the Art Song division.  The announcement, and some basic information about the competition is available at the following link:

Melissa Yeager

Melissa Yeager chaired and commented on a panel at the North American Conference on British Studies this month, entitled ‘Britain and the Mediterranean since 1945’. She is also co-editing a book, Melissa Yeager and Charles Carter, Pacts and Alliances in History: Diplomatic Strategy and the Politics of Coalitions, I.B. Taurus, 2011, with a contracted delivery date of 1 May 2011.

Phillip Cantrell

Phil Cantrell presented a paper at the American Historical Association’s Annual Meeting in Boston in January, 2011 titled “‘We Were a Chosen People’: The African Revivalist Tradition among the Tutsi Refugees in Uganda”  He also has seven short biographies appearing on Rwandan historical figures in the forthcoming Dictionary of African Biography, by Oxford University Press.

Consuelo Alvarez

Consuelo Alvarez participated with faculty from 14 other colleges and universities in the 2010 GCAT Synthetic Biology workshop at Davidson College.  Information about the workshop is at the first link below.  As a result of the workshop Consuelo co-authored a peer-reviewed paper that can be found at the second link below:

Rhonda Brock-Servais and Matt Prickett

Rhonda Brock-Servais and Matt Prickett have had an article accepted for Palgrave Macmillan Press’s C.S. Lewis: The Chronicles of Narnia Casebook:

“The Author, The Movie, and the Marketing: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe and Early Reader Adaptations”

Mark Baldridge

Mark Baldridge has almost completed work on his house which he considers his biggest work of art and representative of not only his design skills, but wood working, stained glass and metal work.  It has been a 34 year old venture.  It has a strong emphasis on light in many different forms including water which he calls liquid light.

Tom Akre

Tom Akre received a multi-year $270,000 matching grant from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s State Wildlife Program (SWG) to develop scientifically-based conservation strategies for the endangered wood turtle in Virginia and on regional National Forests. A video celebrating the ten-year anniversary of SWG was just released and includes a brief clip of this project (at time marker 2:29).[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]

Becoming a Citizen of NASCAR Nation

John Miller, assistant professor of early American literature at Longwood University, will speak Wednesday, Nov. 18, at 7 p.m. in Longwood’s Chichester Science Center G12 on “Becoming a Citizen of NASCAR Nation: Toyota, Stock Car Racing, and American Culture in an Era of Globalization.”

Ramesh Rao

Ramesh Rao’s paper titled “Talking to the Dying: Hindu Views, Hindu Ways” submitted for presentation at the Southern States Communication Association Convention (April 2010) has been adjudged the top paper in the
Intercultural Communication division. Ramesh presented a paper titled “Finding Space for Hinduism in the Public Square: Breaking Barriers, Creating Opportunities,” at the National Communication Convention in Chicago in November 2009. He also began writing regularly for the Newsweek/Washington Post’s online page on faith and health. He is one of the six panelists invited to contribute to the page on a weekly basis.