Doug Dalton publishes an article on “Cargo Cult”

Doug Dalton has recently published the article “Between ‘Cargo’ and ‘Cult’” in a volume entitled Kago, Kastom and Kalja: The Study of Indigenous Movements in Melanesia Today, edited by Marc Tabani & Marcellin Abong and published by Pacific-CREDO Publications (of the Centre de Recherche et de Documentation sur l’Océanie, part of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique). The volume is an updated look at the enduring concept and phenomenon of “cargo cult” in Pacific anthropology, and is notable for including an article by an anthropologist who is also an indigenous Pacific Islander, Marcellin Abong. You can find it on Amazon:

Scott Senn

Scott Senn, Assistant Professor of Philosophy, has recently published a paper in the 2012 volume of the Journal of the International Plato Society.  The paper is titled “Socratic Philosophy, Rationalism, and ‘Obedience'”, and may be viewed on the journal’s open-access website:

Sean Ruday publishes grammar text

Sean Ruday, Assistant Professor of English, has published a grammar text entitled The Common Core Grammar Toolkit: Using Mentor Texts to Teach the Language Standards in Grades 3-5, now available at the following web site:

Article on speech standards in ancient India by Ramesh Rao

Ramesh Rao, Professor, Communication Studies, has an article published in the latest issue of China Media Research (January 2013, Vol 9:1).  The article is titled, “Navigating “Truthfulness” as a Standard for Ethical Speech: Revisiting Speech in Ancient India”.

Consuelo Alvarez featured in iBioMagazine interview

In the newest issue of IBioMagazine,  three Genome Consortium for Active Learning (GCAT) members, including Dr. Consuelo Alvarez, are featured: Consuelo Alvarez, Edison Fowlks, and Todd Eckdahl and tell short stories about how they got into teaching college biology. Edison was way ahead of his time as an African American biochemist bringing research to HBCUs. Todd was the first in his family to go to college. Consuelo tells her story in Spanish (a first for iBioMag) of coming to the US from Ecuador. The intent of the video is to encourage students from underserved populations to explore careers in science.

Op-ed piece in The Pioneer, New Delhi

Ramesh Rao, Prof, Communication Studies, has a new op-ed in The Pioneer (New Delhi), on the politics of official apologies:

Ramesh Rao, Professor, Communication Studies had an op-ed published in The Pioneer (New Delhi) on January 26, 2013.

“Will he consolidate or buckle?”, (January 26, 2013),

World Congress of Religions 2012 — Talk by Ramesh Rao

Ramesh Rao, Professor, Communication Studies, was one of 20 speakers invited to talk at the World Congress of Religions 2012 in Washington, DC, November 30-December 2, 2012.  Ramesh’s talk was titled, “Religious Pluralism: The Key to Overcoming Global Conflict and Achieving Peace”.  The website for the conference can be accessed at:

A version of the talk appeared as an article on The Patheos, a religion and spirituality website that Ramesh contributes to:

The Pioneer, New Delhi, op-ed commentaries

Ramesh Rao, Professor, Communication Studies, had nine op-ed commentaries published in The Pioneer, New Delhi, in 2012.  The commentaries were on political, social, and cultural issues facing both India and the United States.  They can be accessed below:

“Creeping Religion, Crouching Secularism,” (February 18, 2012),; “Media in the Age of Populism,” (April 14, 2012),; “Don’t Shoot the Messenger,” (May 12, 2012),; “A Liberal Gnashing of Teeth”, (June 16, 2012),; “At the Mad Widow’s Wedding”, (August 25, 2012),; “A tale of two conventions (concoctions)”, (September 8, 2012),; “Bloodless digits of the ‘Hindu Nationalist Party’”, (October 6, 2012),; “Defeat for Sociopathology,” (November 10, 2012),; “Through crises we are revealed,” (December 29, 2012),;

A Communication Perspective on Interfaith Dialogue

Ramesh Rao, professor, Communication Studies, has co-authored a chapter titled, “Hindu Interfaith Discourse: Spiral of Silence as a Theological Inevitability” in Daniel Brown (Ed.) “A Communication Perspective on Interfaith Dialogue: Living within the Abrahamic Traditions”.  The book is published by Lexington Books.