David Shoenthal

David Shoenthal, Associate Professor of Mathematics, was published in PRIMUS: Problems, Resources, and Issues in Mathematics Undergraduate Studies. His article, “Fourier Series as a Unifying Topic in Calculus II,” appears in Volume 24, Issue 4 (2014).

VanNess Publication Accepted

Mercer University Press has accepted Gordon Vanness’ book manuscript of James Dickey’s Death, and the Day’s Light for publication.  The publication represents the last volume of poems that Dickey was working on when he died in 1997. VanNess edited the volume and provided both an editorial note and an extended commentary.

Don Blaheta

Don Blaheta, Assistant Professor of Computer Science, was published in the Proceedings of the 45th ACM technical symposium on Computer Science Education, March 2014, pp. 301–306. He presented his paper “Reinventing homework as cooperative, formative assessment” at the SIGCSE conference in Atlanta, GA.

Maria Timmerman

Maria Timmerman, Assistant Professor of Mathematics Education, published an article “Making Connections: Elementary Teachers’ Construction of Division Word Problems and Representations” in School Science and Mathematics, Vol. 114, Issue 3 (March 2014), 114-124.

Virginia Lewis

Dr. Virginia Lewis, Assistant Professor of Mathematics Education, recently received notification that she has been awarded a state MSP grant entitled PREP: Proportional Reasoning Enrichment Project. During the summer of 2014, teachers will participate in two weeks of professional development workshops focused on developing their own understanding of rational number concepts and proportional reasoning. For one day in fall 2014, teachers will focus on using a wide variety of formative mathematics assessments. In spring 2015, teachers will participate in two full-day sessions focused on analyzing student work collected when using formative assessments. Teachers will share tasks, identify student misconceptions, and design and/or select additional formative assessment tasks that can be used to revisit concepts and processes.

Dr. Christopher Swanson conductor for State Honors Choir

Dr. Christopher Swanson, associate professor of music, was a guest conductor for the state honors middle school choir held on Saturday, March 1 in Roanoke VA. Dr. Swanson worked all day with 170 sixth, seventh and eighth grade singers and presented a concert of choral music that evening.

Philosophy Professor’s Paper Accepted for Publication

A paper by Scott Senn, Assistant Professor of Philosophy, has been accepted for publication in the forthcoming 2013 volume of the Journal of the International Plato Society. Its title is “Ignorance or Irony in Plato’s Socrates?: A Look Beyond Avowals and Disavowals of Knowledge”. It was presented last summer at a meeting of the Central New York Humanities Ancient Philosophy Working Group. The paper is a companion piece to Dr. Senn’s 2012 publication titled “Socratic Philosophy, Rationalism, and ‘Obedience’: Decision Making without Divine Intervention”. The papers depart dramatically from recent scholarship, arguing that Plato depicts Socrates not as one who doesn’t know the answers to perennial quesitons about what is a good life and what it is to be a just and good human being, but rather as one who is confident in his ability to give substantive answers to such questions.

Developing Intercultural Competence Abroad

Dr. Lily Goetz (Professor of Spanish) and Dr. William Holliday (Assistant Professor of History) presented a workshop for university and high school educators entitled “Designing Programs to Foster Intercultural Competence Through Interdisciplinary Study Abroad” at the Fourth International Conference on the Development and Assessment of Intercultural Competence hosted by the Center for Educational Resources in Culture, Language and Literacy (CERCLL)  of the University of Arizona.

Physics Faculty Published in Nature

Tim Holmstrom, Assistant Professor of Physics,  Vincent Sulkosky, Visiting Assistant Professor of Physics, Keith Rider, former Professor of Chemistry, and colleagues in Jefferson Lab Hall A PVDIS collaboration had their article “Measurement of parity violation in electron–quark scattering” published in the 6 February 2014 edition of Nature.




Senator Warner joins David Magill’s ENGL 400

Senator Mark Warner was a guest in David Magill’s English 400 on Wednesday, January 29.  Introduced by President Reveley, Warner joined the class via Skype to discuss leadership, citizenship, and the affordability of post-secondary education.  A fuller account of the afternoon is here.