Barber and Whitman published

Dr. Amorette Barber and her undergraduate student, Emily Whitman, recently published an article in Molecular Immunology titled “NKG2D receptor activation of NF-κB enhances anti-tumor responses in murine effector CD8+ T cells”.

VanNess’s Dickey essay accepted

Gordon Van Ness’s essay “James Dickey, Vicente Aleixandre, and the Question of Poetic Creativity” has been accepted for publication by The South Carolina Review.

Cook-Cole College Professors partner with ICA Farmville

Assistant Professor of Spanish A. Renee Gutiérrez and Assistant Professor of Criminology & Criminal Justice Studies Connie Koski have teamed up with the ICA Farmville Immigration Detention Facility in a collaborative project that will provide Longwood students an exciting experiential service-learning opportunity in the local community during the 2014-2015 academic year. In an expansion of a projected begun last year by
Dr. Gutiérrez, students will have the ability to choose to volunteer in one of two roles: they will either assist native speakers of other languages learn English and/or participate in a Conversation Café as a language partner. This project is open to all Longwood University students, and offers class project credit to students in Dr. Gutiérrez’s Spanish classes and Dr. Koski’s Introduction to Policing and Introduction to Corrections courses. This collaborative experience seeks to increase student motivation and augment learning outcomes in both the diversity and foreign language General Education goals. The professors also hope the experience will promote the development of more tolerant student attitudes toward issues of race and ethnicity in general, and those surrounding controversial issue of immigration and immigration enforcement and detention specifically. Lastly, this collaboration will provide ongoing research opportunities for both students and the faculty involved.

ENGL 400 Featured in the Journal Reflections


The latest  volume of Reflections: A Journal of Public Rhetoric, Civic Writing, and Service Learning includes Heather Lettner-Rust’s article on the service-learning projects conducted in ENGL 400, in which Longwood students collaborated with members of Farmville’s Town Council.  The issue also features a cover image of civil rights protesters in Farmville and an interview with Dr. Edward H. Peeples, a Southern white Civil Rights Activist who conducted extensive research on the Prince Edward County school closings in the ’50s and ’60s.

The Information Writing Toolkit

RudaySean Ruday’s latest book, The Information Writing Toolkit: Using Mentor Texts in Grades 3-5 (appearing this winter at Routlegde Eye on Education), helps instructors use high-quality books and articles to make writing instruction more meaningful, authentic, and successful.  Complete details available here.


10th Anniversary Dos Passos Review

dos passosThe latest edition of The Dos Passos Review has been published here.  Launched in 2004, the DPR celebrates its tenth anniversary and its final volume with Mary Carroll-Hackett as editor.  Originating from the University’s prestigious Dos Passos Prize for Fiction, the journal has for the past decade sought the best American writing in the areas of literary fiction, creative nonfiction, and poetry.

Physics Faculty and Students Published

Associate Professor of Physics Tim Holmstrom, Longwood Physics Alumnus Wolfgang Troth, and colleagues from the Jefferson Lab 3He Collaboration had their paper “A Precision Measurement of the Neutron Twist-3 Matrix Element d2n: Probing Color Forces.” published in Physics Review Letters  113 (2014) 022002.

Associate Professor of Physics Tim Holmstrom, Longwood Physics Alumnus James Bittner, and colleagues from the Jefferson Lab Short Range Correlation  Collaboration had their paper “Probing repulsive core of the nucleon-nucleon interaction via the 4He(e, e0pN) triple-coincidence reaction.” published in Physics Review Letters  113 (2014) 022501 .

Jurors Award for Excellence Received by Leslie Cook-Day

 Leslie Cook-Day, Assistant Professor of Costume Design and Technology, was recently notified that her work, a design rendering in pen, ink, and watercolor as well as the realized original costume, has received one of three Jurors Awards for Excellence. The submissions were chosen in April for inclusion in the “Across the Ages” exhbition at the Boyden Gallery in Saint Mary’s City, Maryland. They will continue to  appear from June 13th-August 5th at the Boyden Gallery.

An essay by Gordon Van Nes,s titled “James Dickey, Vicente Aleixandre, and the Question of Poetic Creativity,” has been accepted for publication by The South Carolina Review.

Leslie Cook-Day

Leslie Cook-Day, Assistant Professor of Costume Design and Technology, has had work accepted into the juried exhibition “Across the Ages” at St. Mary’s College of Maryland. Her work, a design rendering in pen, ink, and watercolor as well as the realized original costume, will appear from June 13th-August 5th at the Boyden Gallery.