Phillip Poplin

The most recent issue of MAA Focus magazine features several dice puzzles by Dr. Phillip Poplin, Associate Professor of Mathematics. They appear on page 31.

Craig Challender, Faculty News Notes

Four new poems by Dr. Craig Challender are featured in Memory, Echo, Words, an anthology published by Scurfpea Press in Sioux Falls, South Dakota.  The anthology’s title is taken from one of Dr. Challender’s poems, “Ars Poetica.”



Sean Ruday Elected Co-President of Grammar Organization

Sean Ruday, Assistant Professor of English, was recently elected Co-President of The Assembly for the Teaching of English Grammar (ATEG). ATEG is a grammar-focused assembly of the National Council of Teachers of English. Sean was elected on September 6th at ATEG’s national conference, held at the University of Colorado-Colorado Springs.

Stoneslide Media Publishes Short Fiction by Will Mayer

pinkballoon1Adjunct instructor and Longwood alumnus Will Mayer has a new story out, published in the online weekly The Stoneslide Corrective. In “A Helium Affair,” a young father confronts the disappointments and resentments of his failed relationships in the apparition of a pink helium balloon:

Dr. Chuck Ross, Solar Energy Research

Dr. Chuck Ross, Professor of Physics, and Garrett Josemans (Longwood Physics alumnus) are working with partners at Florida Keys Community College, SALT Services Inc. in Marathon, Florida and Grand Turk Community College to develop a solar installation training program for disadvantaged students in Grand Turk.  The program will involve international student teams, including Longwood students, learning and working on projects together.  Dr. Ross and Mr. Josemans are also consulting on solar installations in indigenous villages in the Ecuadorean rainforest.


(L to R) Garrett Josemans, President Lee Ingham of Grand Turk Community College, Dr. Chuck Ross


Faulkner publishes.

“These Vanishing Hills,” a personal travel essay culled from my book manuscript West Over the Edge of the Sky appears this month in the Creative Nonfiction journal Fourth Genre.  An article examining writer Cormac McCarthy’s depiction of religion has appeared in Touchstone and in Critique.

Doug Dalton publishes text

Doug Dalton just published an Amazon Kindle textbook, Discovering Cultural Meaning: A Fieldwork Method for Anthropology Students, for his ANTH 410:Research Methods in Cultural Anthropology students. The advanced students in that class are currently using it while also  helping to edit the text.

Chris Bjornsen – Symposium Presentation

Chris Bjornsen is chairing and presenting a paper in a Symposium at the 2014 meeting of the European Association for Research on Adolescence in Cesme, Turkey, Sept 3-6. The symposium is titled: Individuation in cultural context: Views from Austria, Slovenia, Turkey, and the U.S.A. Participants will present the results of a cross-cultural study of individuation in emerging adulthood conducted over the past year.

William Abrams

Dr. William Abrams, Professor of Mathematics, presented Discovering Concepts in Calculus II at Mathfest in Portland, OR this August.