Chris Bjornsen publishes book chapter on Social Media Use and Emerging Adulthood

Chris Bjornsen, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology, published a book chapter:  Bjornsen, C. (2018). Social Media Use and Emerging Adulthood. In Zupančič, M. and Puklek Levpušček, M. (Eds.), Prehod v Odraslost: Sodobni Trendi in Raziskave [Emerging Adulthood: Current Trends and Research] (pp. 223-261). Ljubljana, Slovenia: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete. The book is published mostly in Slovene, but two chapters are in English, including Dr. Bjornsen’s chapter. The chapter reviews the most current literature (largely within the last 5 years) on the topic of social media use among emerging adults (ages 18-29). The topics covered include social media use and educational achievement, relationships with family, friends, and partners, personality traits, addictive use of social media, creeping, cyberstalking, catfishing, fictitious cyberbullying, psychological disorders, and neurological functioning.



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