Teaching Philosophy


My philosophy of education is that every student deserves a fair and equitable education. Each student is equally important and should have equal opportunities for a meaningful learning experience. Differentiation is so important as every student is unique. Direct and clear instruction is essential for all instruction, along with the use of scaffolding.

My instruction is best described as “I do. We do. You do.” This gradual release of support allows for students to learn a skill with high support before eventually practicing the skill individually. The collaboration with peers also adds value to the practice as students are learning for one another.


Within instruction, I include the universal design for learning framework. The use of multiple means of representation, expression, and engagement are important as it supports every student. Including choice allows for added engagement and control for the students. Response to intervention will be used both academically and behaviorally. Plans will be implemented based on the need for Tier 1, 2, or 3 intervention. Instructional intervention will be based on formative and summative assessment.

There will be a proactive approach to behavior in my classroom. As a class, we will collaborate to form a set of class rules that the students and myself will abide by. Positive behavior interventions and supports will be used for the whole class and for individuals who need assistance finding their intrinsic motivation.


My classroom will be shaped around a growth mindset. As a class and individually, we will use challenges and obstacles as learning points. Students will be aware that failure is used as a chance to learn and grow. Instruction and development will take place in a safe and positive learning environment. In order to receive a meaningful education, students must be comfortable in the environment they are learning in.

Social and emotional development are a large factor in students’ academic development. As students are growing physically and mentally, support is also needed emotionally and socially. Morning meetings will help facilitate this and help support a classroom community. Relationships between myself and individual students will be established and supported every day. Relationships with families will also be valued. Clear communication of both positives and negatives will be communicated effectively and frequently.