Rhetorical Analysis

After going through each course journal, I feel that they prepared me to do my own Rhetorical Analysis. The course outcomes that I achieved by doing this assignment were: 1) Engage in the process of citizen leadership by investigating multiple perspectives on important public issues, 3) choose appropriate formats in writing for a variety of purposes, and 4) analyze the effectiveness of their own texts and processes for specific rhetorical situations. When completing this analysis on the view of gender equality/ inequality it was really used as a stepping stone for the final project I completed for the class: the Common Goods project. It also allowed me to engage in investigating and understanding perspectives on public issues. Like the course journals, I was also able to use the rhetorical tools I learned in class like: the Terministic Screens, the Aristotelian Appeals, and the Logical Fallacies. I also implemented using the appropriate format for this writing assignment. All in all, I felt like this assignment was a very effective piece of writing that implement 3 course outcomes that I could use towards my final project.

Rhetorical Analysis