ENGL 215 – Pillar Level Course – Fall 2018 – 3 Credits
This English class satisfied the Historical and Contemporary Insights Pillar. The focus of this course was morality and heroism in world literature. I read parts of many books in this course, including: The Iliad, The Aeneid, The Bhagavad Gita, Inferno, Two Spanish Picturesque Novels, and Candide. I enjoyed the discussions that my class had about these pieces of literature. Dr. Smith always tied in a modern aspect that related the themes to these works to present day. The paper assignments that we were assigned were always open ended and allowed us to answer these prompts in our own way. Attached is my final paper for this course.
SPAN 111 – Pillar Level Course – Fall 2018 – 4 Credits
This Spanish class satisfied the Global Citizenship Pillar. This is an intensive beginning language and culture course and my placement test score placed me in the 111 level for Spanish. This course covered core parts of learning the Spanish language, including vocabulary and multiple verb tenses. While this class did not focus directly on Spanish culture, we did dedicate our lab sections to discussing culture using our current vocabulary words and verb tenses. This course required a group video project that discussed an interesting part of Spanish culture that was not already discussed in this course. Attached is my project, my partner and I decided on discussing the importance of food in Spanish culture.
MATH 171 – Pillar Level Course – Spring 2019 – 3 Credits
This math course, Statistical Decision Making, not only fulfilled the Quantitative Reasoning Pillar but also a Nursing Major requirement as well. In this course I not only learned about statistics but also came to understand the beginnings of statistics as well. This was a lecture based course, and Instructor Stanton provided step by step examples that helped me understand the content. This course is writing infused, so we were assigned 3 written paper projects throughout the semester. These paper projects were group papers, which was new to me. Each paper was a certain scenario in which we had to calculate different things. Attached is one of these papers.
SPAN 211 – Perspectives Level Course – Spring 2019 – 3 Credits
This course fulfilled the World Languages Perspective. This course was the first level of the Intermediate Integrated Language & Culture course. I enjoyed this course because of the amount of culture that was discussed in this course. Dr. Barlow incorporated many activities each class which helped keep me engaged and interested in the course content. This Spanish course also required a group project, but this semester it was an in class presentation. Our presentations had to be about an aspect of Spanish culture that we found interesting, 10 minutes in length, have an engaging activity for the class, and mostly memorized. My partner and I decided to cover the topic of drug trafficking/”The War on Drugs”. Attached is our PowerPoint presentation.
ISCI 361 – Perspectives Level Course – Fall 2019 – 3 Credits
This course fulfilled the Scientific Reasoning Perspective. This course was an interdisciplinary science course about biodiversity loss and conservation. As it was an interdisciplinary course, it means it was full of all types of majors and as students, we weren’t expected to be experts on certain scientific topics. This course was different from my other classes and it was interesting because I got to learn about current scientific events. This class incorporated many in class activities, writing assignments, and group projects to help us actively learn about some of the course’s content. Due to the multiple group projects, I was able to grow in my group project skills. The class was very eye opening and I felt like the time spent in this class was not wasted as the topics covered applied to all of us. One of the assignments that was new to me was the General Audience paper we had to write. We got to choose a relevant topic in the form of a journal article and then summarize the findings into a general audience paper. I typically don’t have to read scientific experiments for any of my other classes, so this assignment was teaching me a new skill. My topic was about the research-implementation gap that occurs in the area of conservation science. Attached is my general audience paper.
RELI 342 – Perspectives Level Course – Spring 2021 – 3 Credits
This course fulfilled the Global Citizenship Perspective. This course was a religion and literature class that specifically discussed the application of Theistic Existentialism to world literature. This was my first online asynchronous course, which took some getting used to. While this was an asynchronous course, there was not a lack of interaction with the professor. We read and discussed, virtually, a wide variety of texts from all over the world in relation to a variety of theologians. This was a discussion based class, and the professor always encouraged us as students to share our own thoughts and opinions. This course was also writing intensive. Reading responses were due every class, two literary analysis papers, as well as a written final exam. As a junior nursing student, I often don’t get a chance to write a lot of papers that aren’t scientific or care plans for patients. I found this to be a challenge at first, to get back into an English paper writing style but I am glad I took this class so that I had the opportunity to strengthen my writing skills overall. This class worked my brain in a different way, compared to my nursing classes, which I quite enjoyed. One way I got to really see my writing skills improve was with the major paper. For this assignment, we could build upon our short response paper while using outside research at the same time. In this paper I discussed Leo Tolstoy’s The Death of Ivan Ilyich, which was a reading that I found to be particularly interesting. Attached is my major paper.