OLS Regression

                                    Model 1                       Model 2
Enjoyment               -0.403*                        -0.413
Race (white)
    Black                                                             0.133
    All Else                                                         0.649
R^2                             0.069                           0.090
Note. p<0.05*, p<0.01**, p<0.001***, N=66

The two IVs that are being compared in this model are socioeconomic status and race. Socioeconomic status was measured via the highest level of educational attainment. This was measured through “some high school”, “high school diploma or GED”, “certification from trade or vocational school”, “some college”, “associates degree”, “bachelor’s degree”, and “graduate degree or more”. The second IV, race, was split into three groups for the purpose of this regression – white, black, and all else. The white category does not have any data because that is what the “black” and “all else” categories are being compared to. The dependent variable for this model is enjoyment and was measured on a scale from 0-10 (0 = low enjoyment, 10 = high enjoyment). The results from this regression show that socioeconomic status did have significance on enjoyment in the first model at -0.403*, with 6.9% of the data being explained. However, in the second model, there was no significance when both socioeconomic status and race were factored in and compared – resulting in 9% of the data being explained.