By the end of services, the group will create a positive coping plan for how to navigate pregnancy stressors at least twice a day.
- The group will identify common pregnancy stressors and how to intervene
- The group will learn, identify, and describe positive coping skills and behaviors
By the end of services, the group will demonstrate an adequate understanding of depression and anxiety by engaging in a 5 minute conversation with peers.
- The group will learn about common symptoms of depression and anxiety
- The group will learn about some common causes of depression and anxiety
- Group Introduction
- Introduction of participants
- Ice breaker
- Introduce group goals and objectives
- Discuss paperwork
- “Think, Pair, Share” (activity)
- Closing and questions
Lesson Plan
Group Introduction
- Introduce the environment that this group is trying to create and ways in which we can keep this environment comfortable (group norms)
- Norms
- Don’t talk over others
- Be conscious over both facial and verbal expressions (judge-free zone)
- Only share what you are comfortable with
- Participate in activities given
- Group members are not to break confidentiality and converse about other members outside of the group. If they break confidentiality, they are to leave the group.
- In terms of early leaving and/ or late arrivals, catch members up during break time on information that have missed or will miss → group facilitators must be informed why they are late/need to leave early
- Norms
Participant Introduction
- Name, pronouns, what the group members wish to take away from the group, how would they best feel supported, and what environment they feel would be the most comfortable for them personally
Ice Breaker Activity
- Guided “speed-dating”
- 2 minutes per person
- Activity should take around 10 minutes
- Questions
- How old are you?
- Do you have any children?
- What’s your favorite color?
- What is your favorite food?
- How many siblings do you have?
Discuss Goals and Objectives
- Confidentiality and group norms/ rules
- SMART Goals
Paperwork Discussion
- Paperwork discussing mission and agency
- Written confidentiality agreement
- “What is confidentiality” paperwork
- What is to be expected within the group (mannerisms, norms, etc.)
- What calls for removal from the group and zero tolerance policy
- Paperwork discussing being on-time, attendance, and the idea that this will be a closed group
- Informed consent document
Think, Pair, Share
- Positive coping skills that are currently being implemented
- Areas in which you hold strengths
- Areas in which you wish to strengthen
Closing and Questions
- Discuss date & time of next meeting and what is to be expected
Resources and Materials Needed for Session
- Paperwork
- Confidentiality agreement
- Zero tolerance agreement
- Informed consent document
- Handouts
- Handout discussing maternal depression
- Handout discussing positive and negative coping skills
- Handout discussing information about the agency
- An agenda containing the contents of each session
- Materials
- Pencils, pens, markers, etc.
- Paper for clients to write on (small notebooks?)