
Change in writing style

Over time, my writing style has changed after I took these courses to be more research based and different than it was. I used to write based more on emotion rather than fact or research which is provided. I create my writing to be more factual rather than based on smaller things. I have learned papers need to be more based on facts and provide more information rather than writing. It is important to put in information and facts based on what professors would want as a way to back up ideas which are being provided within the papers.  I as well research more for papers and do more writing based on what I find rather than making things longer and adding unnecessary writing into it. This as well has helped me clean up my writings and make them easier for professors to understand and read. It helps me to keep it in order as well and provide a more scientific aspect to the issues and situations which I am writing about. It as well can help me form better ideas and better papers based on this. I as well have a better understanding on how to write a paper as well as providing better wording for specific things I want to say or express within my writings. This helps me express my points better and create more reliable and accurate content within my papers to make them credible. 

Courses and Content

I took various classes which have used methodology within it, even if it is not a main part of the class. Methods and research methods are a large part of the sociology world and research. A class I took which was my main methodology course was research methods. Here, we studied research methods and how the adapt to the sociology and criminal justice world as well as ethics which go into research methods. Within this, I took a similar class which connected with it, Stats for the Social Sciences which taught me statistics for research methods as well as the introduction to research methods. Another course which I took was Senior Seminar in Criminology. Within this, we talked about research as well and how this is important within a job. I as well took Criminological theory and Sociology of Education which talked a bit on research and methods.

Major Aspects in Sociology

The major aspects within methodology tend to be ethics, data collection, data analysis, type of research, and content. These are different things which are important within the social research process but I believe one of the main ones which is important is understanding ethics within research and within research methods. This is important to understand because there are different things which you cannot do but may think it is okay to do without understanding the issues within it. 

As well as understanding the rights and wrongs of social research and methods, it is important to know this to be able to conduct proper research and provide the right sampling and data for the study. Another important aspect is data collection and data analysis. These go hand in hand with each other as well as the content which is provided from the research. Data collection is important because there are specific ways which go into the methodology of this and what is going to work best for the research and provide the best data for data analysis. If the data collection is not good, the rest of the research will not matter because it may not be reliable. Since data collection is one of the most important parts, there is a large amount which goes into it as well based on sampling and going out to get the data samples. This then leads to data analysis; this is important to understand and know how to do or the data will not come out as accurate and the content will be bad.

 There as well must be good intent within the research and there must be a purpose for the research. Not having good intent within the research may cause ethical problems within it as well as a lack of correct content and valid/ accrediable/ accurate content which is being provided on the research. This is looking at the type of research it is as well as the participants and sample process which are chosen for the research. This is as well looking at how the methods are used within the research world and how these apply to the research itself.

Skills and Knowledge

My job will be in cybersecurity and I will be using research and methods a large amount within my job to help me. This will be something I will use a large amount based on my job. I will be conducting research as well on ways to stop certain things from happening as well as collecting data to provide reports to the people who will be higher than me on ranking within my company. I can use my skills and knowledge which I have learned to apply specific methods to certain situations and certain issues which I will be collecting data on as well as providing data analysis on. I will also provide data analysis of issues within the company or government as well which will tie into the content I will be providing them and how it is to their standards. I as well will have to look at a large amount of statistics within my job and the way these statistics tie into cybersecurity and keeping the company secure. As well as looking at red flags which may pop up within the statistics and numbers as well as the data which I will be analyzing. I will be looking at how the data affects my job and the people I am working for in a negative way or a positive way based on the data. I as well will be looking at how, if this data is negative, how can I make it positive and how it will better the job. 

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