How Social Institutions Influence My Behavior, Attitude, and Beliefs

Step 3: Create a page in your E-Portfolio and discuss how the institutions structure your own behavior, attitudes, and beliefs. Utilize the concepts from those classes to help you explain that relationship. Focus on about 4-5 concepts (750 words or less)

The healthcare system:

I have varying opinions about the American healthcare system which have been produced by a Family Stress and Crisis course I took. This institution has many programs that aid citizens that qualify for them yet it fosters policies that discriminate, and put individuals in debt who utilize it. The cost of healthcare equates to such a large amount that it gives the notion that American citizens do not have a healthcare system at all. I strongly believe that there is much change needed to ensure that everyone can receive proper care no matter economic, race, age, or gender differences. These changes can be implemented by lowering the cost of healthcare services, creating policies that promote racial equality, and referring to citizens for insight as to what they need in a healthcare system.

The criminal justice system:

After taking a Race and Racisms course instructed by Dr. Grether, a Longwood Professor I learned that our criminal justice system has a history of benefiting and harming it’s citizens. Officers protect us in times of crisis but there has been a constant battle between the system and minorities. It’s important to recognize the disparity of minority incarceration that has developed over the last 54 years due to the “war on drugs.” Racism, prejudice and inequality often influence the way police officers interact with people of color and individuals with disabilities. Police brutality and fed up citizens sparked the Black Lives Matter Movement which has exposed the many faults in the criminal justice system. We need our officers but they need to protect us. Who do you call if the police are putting you in danger?

The family:

I didn’t have much prior knowledge as to how the family acts as a social institution until I took a Family Stress and Crisis class that was taught by Dr. Bidwell, another Longwood professor. The family plays a vital role within the way a person emerges in society. One must grow in a nurturing environment to ensure that development isn’t delayed and that deviance is avoided in the years to come. We first learn how to interact with others through our relationships within our family. With the knowledge we gain from our family, we then are able to develop other relationships in the future. Whether that be friendships, romantic relationships, etc. Families also provide social, emotional, and financial help which are necessities.

The education system:

I can say that all of the courses I’ve taken at Longwood University has helped me realize how important education is and how not everyone has the resources to obtain it. This reason could be the cause of many factors such as lack of money or other social aspects. The education system does have a few faults in regards to it’s curriculum in some states and how students are treated. Students who have disabilities have faced discrimination for generations by not receiving the needed tools to promote their education. These students also often face maltreatment from staff and other students. To ensure that everyone is receiving the quality education everyone deserves positive changes need to be set and applied to schools across the nation.