The Quantitative Reasoning (QR) Center at Longwood is an emerging central hub that aims to help students, faculty, and staff seeking assistance in QR courses within Civitae to become confident and critical users of quantitative information of all kinds. It aims to provide a thriving, well-trained body of tutors prepared to help with homework, discuss appropriate quantitative techniques for any given task, support the use of quantitative software such as Excel and Mathematica, assist in the understanding and organization of data, explain mathematical concepts, theories and formulas, help with interpreting or creating graphs or charts, and aiding in the preparation for Math Praxis exams. Our graduates should leave Longwood with solid and substantial mathematical and technology skills that can be used in an interdisciplinary context to analyze actual data. The QR Center also aims to aid our faculty in the scholarship of teaching and learning, providing insights into and data for the improvement of their instruction and, as a result, increase student understanding.
The QR Center is located in 111 Allen Hall.
QR Pillar Courses:

QR Perspective Courses: